New Edition of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod’s (LCMS) Large Catechism Goes Woke
That leaves only WELS
The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS) is a conservative Lutheran denomination in the United States, headquartered in St. Louis, Missouri. With 1.8 million members, it is the second-largest Lutheran body, after the apostate and progressive Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA).
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Though not as conservative as the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS), the LCMS is firmly on the right side of the theological spectrum and historically has held to the biblical tenets. They have an emphasis on a high view of scriptural authority and the inerrancy of the Bible, while also holding to complementarianism and conservative positions on social and political matters, theology and biblical interpretation.
But for decades they’ve been drifting. LCMS President Matthew Harrison has so far demonstrated he’s not up to the task of wolf-shooting protecting the flock with a supernatural zeal and intensity- all which is needed to hold back the cultural and progressive onslaught. In the last decade since his election, he has let all sorts of aberrant theological positions take root and form cracks, which inch by slow inch, begin to take root then rot, This painful reality is perhaps best seen in their the new edtion of Luther’s Large Catechism edition. @RyanTurnipseed on Twitter lists several issues with it, writing:
“First we have the LCMS, speaking for conservative Lutherans, entirely denying self defense and bearing arms being moral.
Next, we have an equivocation of homosexuality, pornography, sodomy, pedophilia, whorishness, and transgenderism with heterosexual fornication outside of sex. That is, the LCMS can’t say “sodomy is evil” without softening it with “but so is straight sex before marriage”.
Here we have the New Catechism affirming a reality behind transgenderism, saying that it is in fact real and as described by those pushing it. This is a complete denial of God’s creation, but that shouldn’t be surprising.
Also listed in this New Catechism is…That’s right! The “conservative”, “Confessional” Lutherans are saying that Genesis is entirely separate from any ‘scientific’ theories. The LCMS once held up Genesis as literal, but now that’s just trying to bring “science” into Genesis, which I guess was just a metaphor?
Further along the path of denying God’s creation, we have here another complete affirmation of the framework pushed by trans activists. Furthermore, if this still is sinful, it’s a new special category of sin that apparently has nothing to do with what has been done or undone.
Here we have what we may politely call “insurance”. Sure, you’re allowed to notice public sins, like false teachings, but only the experts can deal with that. You just have to keep your mouth shut.”
Ryan lists several more changes, including more wishy-washy commentary on homosexuality, giving special categorization of sin to gender dysphoria, using progressive talking points on social justice, economic and social privilege, and wild assertions on gentrification and inequality.
This is how downgrade begins, each and every time, and we only hope it’s not too late to pull back from the cliff.
Thanks for the update. Hopefully the LCMS will prayerfully reconsider their wording.