Nevada Charges”Unvaccinated”-1st State to Enforce Corrupt “Healthcare Plan”
“Nevada will become the first state to do this, ABC News reported,
Discrimination of a high degree is happening in Nevada; the ‘unvaccinated’ have to pay $55 more for health insurance than those who agreed to take the toxic ‘Covid Injections.’
State workers in Nevada who are enrolled in public employee healthcare plans will have to pay up to $55 more a month if they haven’t received the COVID-19 vaccine.
“Nevada will become the first state to do this, ABC News reported, with the state Public Employees’ Benefit Program Board voting on Thursday to charge unvaccinated workers more to “offset the costs of testing those who haven’t gotten shots are required to undergo in certain workplaces.”
It seems almost unbelievable that things have turned so awry, but it’s true.
You can read the whole ordeal here.