Mother Lode of Cringy Pride Hymns Discovered!
Amanda Udis-Kessler is a Unitarian Universalist hymn-writer, songwriter, and composer who “specializes in music and lyrics for liberal/progressive religious people and communities, including inclusive, social justice-minded Christians, Unitarian Universalists, and other open-hearted religious traditions.” Published in many gay hymn books that are one page turn away from bursting into flames, she’s an unsaved progressive masquerading as an angel of light. Some of her pagan hymns include:
“All of Who I Am” is a gentle song about self-acceptance. The video here was developed for a trans pride worship service; a lovely video of a queer choir singing a choral arrangement can be found on the YouTube videos page.
“Call Me by My Name” is a song about affirming ourselves and each other in our full truths.
“Days of Rage and Days of Hope” is a hymn for Pride Sunday or Pride month.
“Fearfully, Wonderfully Made” celebrates our embodied lives.
“A Gift for the Altar,” an LGBTQIA+ church inclusion song, was first published in Shaping Sanctuary in 2000. The recording is available upon request but is not posted here, due to some unintentionally ableist language. No video exists for this song.
“God, the Soaring Eagle” celebrates all the genders and genderlessness of holiness.
“Jesus Called Lazarus” is a hymn about coming out into life. No video exists for this hymn.
“The Kin-dom of God is the Queerest of Nations” celebrates Jesus’s vision of Love’s Domain. The version available here is to the traditional tune Nettleton, but a version exists with original music as well and is available upon request.
“The Light Comes as a Rainbow” offers a queer take on the covenant (Genesis 9:8-17).
To see some quick snippets, WokepreacherTV has clipped some of the following: