Montana Zoo to Host Drag Event For Kids, Director Doubles Down in Support
Drag Queen Story Hour at the Zoo this year, Family-Friendly Drag Show at the Zoo next year.
In conjunction with Billings PRIDE, Zoo Montana has announced they are hosting a Drag Queen Story Hour at the Zoo on June 22, where men dressed up as women will read stories to the children with the goal of acclimating and normalizing them to their bizarre behavior.
Following pushback from concerned parents, Zoo Director Jeff Ewalt released a statement in support of the event, reiterating how they were proud to host the event, writing on Facebook and on the Zoo Website:
“We have heard from many of you in regard to the 406 Pride Drag Queen Story Hour being held at the Zoo on Wednesday, June 22nd. Let me be clear – ZooMontana prides itself in being inclusive of all living things. 406 Pride is a respected and valued community asset, one we are proud to support and host as a client at ZooMontana. While personal threats and threats of no longer supporting the Zoo are concerning, we will not let unwarranted fear and hate deter our decision to move forward with this harmless and fun reading event that is held throughout the country. At the end of the day, if your personal agenda does not fit this event, we simply ask that you do not come to the Zoo that day. It would be a shame to never allow your children back to the Zoo because of one simple event. Happy Pride month.
That’s the problem though. It’s never just a small simple event, but rather is one more chute down the slippery slope. These small events, which are already bad enough, lead to other events that normalize other drag queen activities, such as the event in Helena last year, where during a public drag show, little kids gave dollars bills to scantily clad and gyrating queens. It’s a progression, and these events a stepping stone for the ‘kid-friendly drag shows’ that are taking over the country.
See, this all goes way back. The end result of supporting same-sex marriage was never two married men or women raising an adopted son in a world where they just want to be left alone, but rather garish, grooming drag queens dancing in front of children, forcing people to applaud and praise their them for their bravery and display of their authentic self, under threat of cancellation and violence.
Drag Queen Story Hour at the Zoo this year, Family-Friendly Drag Show at the Zoo next year.
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