With all kidding aside (See the headline) because hopefully, no one is stupid enough to sacrifice their pickup just to take a deer or elk out for the food, it really is legal to take the animal who became “roadkill” home as long as you follow the correct process.
HELENA — There are a lot of roads and animals in Montana, and very often, the two don’t mix.
According to the insurance company State Farm, Montana is second on their list of states where a collision with a deer is possible. Throw in a few more animals, like elk and moose, to watch out for, and the idea of seeing roadkill isn’t a shock around the state. But following an accident, once everyone and everything is okay, what should or can be done with the animal?
One option is taking the animal home.
In 2013 the state legislature passed a bill that allows for deer, elk, moose, and antelope killed as a result of a motor vehicle collision to be salvaged. All a person has to do is first pick up a free permit from a law enforcement officer at the scene of the accident or the Fish, Wildlife, and Parks website.
FWP report 2021 was a busy year for the salvage permit department. Roughly 188 elk, 190 mule deer, 540 white-tailed deer, 45 pronghorn, and 37 moose were picked up around the state according to the state.
Picking up roadkill isn’t just a good way to make sure the meat isn’t wasted. Every permit gives valuable information to FWP.
You can read the rest of this fascinating story here. This article was first published By: Andrew Curtis of KTVH Helena.
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