Montana Republicans Misrepresented Again RE: Liberal Press
This Op-Ed was written and submitted by Senator Theresa Manzella.
The character of two of the most principled, honorable people I know, Derek Skees and Lola Galloway has been called into question over a few words that were intended for a particular audience, but instead were exposed to the general public through an article and taken out of context.
On Jan 25th, after the Ad Hoc Committee Hearing on Election Integrity was over and adjoined, we learned that Derek Skees had made a very generous and selfless decision, and we wanted to share his decision with the citizens still in the room, because it conveyed Dereks selfless nature and commitment to Election Integrity.
Derek had determined that due to the decision handed down by Judges Molloy, Morris & Watford in response to the lawsuit brought by former Republican turned Democrat, Bob Brown, he may not be able to run for the position on PSC due to the districting statutes. Since all conservative Republicans support Dereks candidacy for PSC and fully recognize what a great addition he would be, we found his sacrifice and commitment to Election Integrity worthy of sharing with those remaining in the room.
Any one who knows Derek knows he’s a “mover and shaker,” meaning he’s a happy, high energy guy with a big heart, a sharp mind, a very effective communicator and poignant speaker. Lola, in an unplanned comment describing Dereks choice to step away from the PSC race, used the words “wheeler dealer” in describing his negotiations to help secure the Special Select Committee to investigate Election Integrity in Montana. If one simply replaces the words “wheeler dealer”, with “mover and shaker” it gives the sentence a whole different and more accurate feel.
Both of these individuals are tried and true. Do not allow the liberal media to create unnecessary division and discord in our ranks. This is nothing more than a deliberate distraction.
This Op-Ed was written and submitted by Senator Theresa Manzella.
Faithfully for Freedom,
Sen Theresa Manzella
SD44 – Ravalli County
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