Montana is No. 2 in the Nation! Oh..Wait….
Usually, when you’re ranked as number 2 in something, that’s a great thing!
Usually, when you’re ranked as number 2 in something, that’s a great thing! When you’re ‘number 2’, you get a silver medal. When you’re number 2, if the lead guy breaks his leg, then you’re the star; it makes you number 1! If you’re number 2, you still win the consolation prize!
But amid the Covid madness, if you’re number 2, you LOSE. The game is over. Montana is among the top losers. Montana is the second highest-ranking state in the nation for death via Covid “Vaccines” per 100,000 injections. I have even heard of at least 13 deaths concerning people who’ve taken the toxic injections, here in just Flathead County alone. This is something that should outrage Montanans.
Below are the graphs with Kentucky being number 1 and Montana as number 2. (We’ve done the leg work so you don’t have to.)
Please keep in mind as you study these number that these are only the deaths which have been reported; there are far more who’ve died from these toxic injections.
Don’t take these deadly shots. You don’t want to be a part of ‘Montana’s Number 2’ statistics.
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