Micah Hill Deceives School Board-in Return They Abdicate Proper Research
This time he’s instituted the installment of high-tech facial recognition “artificial intelligence” cameras.
Micah Hill is cunning, sly, and deceptive. Months ago (last December), he introduced the vote for “new security cameras,” and the School District 5 Trustees bought in hook, line, and sinker.
A Flathead County resident who attended the school board meeting reported that “Hill did not reveal the intricate details about the new “facial recognition” surveillance cameras. He made it appear that the school was simply purchasing basic security cameras.
Hill is sneaky, and we’ve observed this behavior before, such as when he told high school football players, “We won’t quarantine you if you get “the vaccine.” He got his hand slapped over that one when he should’ve been fired. He is not to be trusted at any time in any capacity.
This time he’s instituted the installment of high-tech facial recognition “artificial intelligence” cameras. These cameras were purchased via a school bond and were made in Korea.
These cameras perform various tasks such as counting people (including audio capabilities and intelligence surveillance), which in essence means taking the subject’s/victim’s facial picture and bringing up their entire private life on a computer.
The gullible School District 5 School Board fell for Hill’s ploy without question; all who were present voted them in.
There are considerable lessons to be learned here.
1. Never buy into Micah Hill’s deception.
2. Question every move that School District 5 makes because they are like sheep.
This article was brought to you by John Fuller, Candidate for Senate Seat District 4. To learn more about Fuller and his campaign, click here.
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