Megachurch Pastor Announces He’s Stepping Down To Become a Regular Member
Megachurch pastor Jon Weece, the senior leader of the 12,000-member multi-site Southland Christian Church in Lexington, Kentucky, has announced that he’s stepping down from his position on good terms in order to become a regular member of the body, according to a report from The Christian Post:
“Weece, who joined the church as a teaching pastor in 2000 and became lead pastor three years later, made the announcement during a sermon at the church on Jan. 19 along with a full-throated endorsement of his friend, Pastor Scott Nickell, who’s a member of the church’s leadership team, as his successor. Weece also interviewed Nickell at the church on Sunday.
“I’ve always wanted to be healthier than the church I’m serving, that’s definitely the case today. I’m not stepping aside because I’m tired. I’m not stepping aside because I’m angry or sad. I’m not stepping aside because I feel neglected or discouraged. I’m not stepping aside because I’ve done something immoral or nefarious or foolish,” Weece said.”
Instead, he reveals a deep desire to set the church up for future success, and that at the age of 52, he profoundly resonates with a verse in the book of Numbers that speaks to this reality.
Taking great care to promote the man who he believes should be the successor to the leadership position, Weece notes that he isn’t leaving for another church, but intends to make his future here as a member.
What you need to hear is simply this: I’m not stepping aside for another church. I’ve treated my ministry like my marriage; one bride for one life. So in the same way that I will never leave Alison Weece, I’m not going to leave Southland Christian Church.
However, 12 months from now, in January 2026, I will step off of the staff and I will step into the church family. Specifically, what I mean by that is I’m going to stop serving you as a preacher from this stage, but I will serve like thousands of you serve in this church as a member of this place.