Meet the Coalition of Leftist Theological Misfits Trying to Kill ‘Christian Nationalism’
Religious pluralism over the exclusivity of Christ as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords?
As arguments over the much-maligned and inadequately defined concept of “Christian Nationalism” rage in the bowels of social media, a wonky inclusive coalition of leftist theological misfits from several organizations has taken upon themselves the task of defeating Christian nationalism and foisting religious pluralism upon all those Christians in America who believe that their convictions should influence life beyond their church or personal prayer closet. This coalition includes the Baptist Joint Committee, Faith Voices, Know Your Neighbor, National Coalition For Public Education, Christians Against Christian Nationalism, and Shoulder to Shoulder.
Notable endorsers of the Christians Against Christian Nationalism statement include Sister Simone Campbell of the network lobby for Catholic Social Justice, Red Letter Christian Founders Shane Claiborne and Tony Campolo, and Sojourner’s founder Jim Wallis. Members of Christians Against Christian Nationalism and its affiliated sister organizations are unapologetically dedicated to promoting religious pluralism. They believe that attempts by Christians to exercise power in the public square are fundamentally unchristian. For example, the Baptist Joint Committee filed a legal brief against Jack Phillips, the Masterpiece Cake Shop Owner who refused to make a Gay Wedding Cake.
The National Coalition for Public Education, a coalition member, uses its political influence and clout to push an agenda of opposing private school vouchers and promoting increased funding for the woke public school indoctrination system. Supporting members of the NCPE include secular leftist organizations, such as Americans United for the Separation of Church and State, People for the American Way, and the National PTA. The accusation against private Christian schools is that they are discriminatory and support the teaching of religion. Never mind that these secular leftist organizations promote an overt LGBTQ-promoting agenda that sexualizes children at a young age through graphic sex ed programs and diversity initiatives that normalize sexual deviancy.
The Baptist Joint Committee of the coalition isn’t afraid to join hands with anyone who advocates pluralism. The group openly accepts non-Christians who promote the cause of religious pluralism. Faith doesn’t matter to the BJC as long as you agree with their stance on religious pluralism and the first amendment and “find common ground that allows all of us to make a greater impact,” whatever that means.
Members of these coalition groups appear to be more concerned with creating a religiously diverse nation than preaching the Gospel to a lost and dying world. According to Christians Against Christian Nationalism signer Paula Dempsey, “all are beloved as God’s children,” and Christians should “promote a pluralistic society grounded in the First Amendment’s free establishment clauses.”
Interestingly, the leftist coalition of theological misfits who oppose the ever-nebulous boogeyman of Christian nationalism seems to be the same misfits who have advocated for “separation of church and state” for the past 50 years. Their argumentation isn’t rooted in scripture but rather in a pluralistic interpretation of the constitution and a religiously secular conceptualization of the founding documents. The secular state isn’t neutral, and its practices will never be neutral. If the coalition of leftists against Christian Nationalism were honest, they would say that they prefer drag queen story hour over public Christmas nativities, abortion on demand over public funding for faith-based crisis pregnancy centers, graphic sex tutorials for elementary-school students over teaching a Biblically-based sexual ethic, and most notably an emphasis on religious pluralism over the exclusivity of Christ as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.