Lutheran Church Holds Blasphemous Drag Queen Story Hour
Naturally, the church has all the hallmarks of devilish derangement syndrome,
We’ve known for a long time that the ELCA denomination is all but comprised of lost souls and rebel goats, with a perfect summation of that very fact found in the blasphemous church services one of their congregations had on the weekend, courtesy of the thoroughly reprobate St. Luke’s Lutheran Church of Logan Square, where they advertised on Facebook:
“Worship this morning focuses on A DRESS REHEARSAL FOR JOY. Seminarian Aaron Musser preaches in drag, inviting us to reflect on a joy that overflows so abundantly, it can’t help but make itself known. Today we invite you to wear garments/accessories that make you feel 100%, like the best version of yourself!”
Aaron Musser recently received a scholarship to attend seminary as part of the ELCA Fund for Leaders, a program designed to ‘supports students of tremendous promise attending ELCA seminaries.’ During his acceptance video, Musser shared that he felt a calling to “innovate” within the church, and I guess we’re seeing the fruits of that labor.
Naturally, the church has all the hallmarks of devilish derangement syndrome, including a woman pastrix, LGBTQ approving theology, masking three-year-olds, etc, and everything else in between. . If there is a trope for lost little deconstructlettes, they’re all here in spades.
So with many other exhortations, John proclaimed the good news to the people, the gospel of the Lord. You may be seated. And I’d like to invite any children or people who would like to see a picture book that I will be showing on the iPad here. Anyone who’d like a closer view of that to come up and sit up and sit somewhere on here… I have an awesome story to share with you today. I’m really excited to share it with you.
I have a question first though. Have any of you ever seen a drag queen?
Kids: “No”
“No? This is everybody’s first time ever seeing a drag queen? Well hello. I am also a boy most of the time when I’m here, but today, I am beautiful today.
So the story that I want to share with you today is called Joy….Earlier in the service, I talked about joy, as liberation or as freedom to be who you want to be and do what you want to do. I don’t know about you. But when I was in school, I would feel a whoosh of joy every time they said “you can go to recess.”
“Or maybe you feel a whoosh of joy when I say “go back to your seats”. And in the Gospel today, John the Baptist says that Jesus is coming soon. And that Jesus will baptise with fire separating the grain and the chaff. Do you know what grain and chaff are?
A child talks about what grain. Should have just pointed at that thing.
…So it becomes food for you. And then it gives you life when you eat stuff, right? And so chaff is actually the stuff that we don’t use when we’re making bread and the stuff that if it’s in there just isn’t the way and isn’t eating the same life that you get when you eat bread.
Musser concludes that Jesus wants them to be joyful (defined as ‘ freedom to be who you want to be and do what you want to do’) and ends with a prayer by thanking God for the big feelings he gave the children and reiterating that God wants them to be joyful.