LINCOLN – Cowboys and cowgirls have traveled to Lincoln to compete, entertain crowds and hopefully cash a check at some point during the weekend for 70 years.
With seven decades of experience, many would likely assume that the rodeo and its partners are pulling in significant revenue from the event. Still, according to the Lincoln Rodeo Club’s Denny Creech, that’s not exactly the case.
“If we break even every year, we’re happy. We do a couple of little scholarships at the school. We do a little charity deal if we can afford it and maintenance on this place,” said Creech.
Creech said this year would be his 30th year working on the rodeo as they get set to put on a few more days of fun for Montanans of all walks of life. Still, he says the rodeo understands that costs associated with travel and entertainment like the rodeo can be a burden for some families, which is why they’ve set out to make the Lincoln Rodeo affordable for all.
You can read the rest of the story here. By: Sam Hoyle KPAX News