Lifeway’s Sunday School Quarterly Written by Lady Pastor?
As SBC congregations grapple with the realization that they have many churches with women pastors and that prominent denominational leaders want to keep it that way, Lifeway Christian Resources, the convention’s publishing arm, continues to advocate for the former, doing what it can to insert a little egalitarianism into everything it does *
We previously shared how the Spring 2022 edition of LifeWay’s “Bible Studies for Life” curriculum was written by Brandon Hiltibidal, the lead pastor of a non-SBC church that employs five women “pastors,” including word of faith teacher Christine Caine.
Not content with these minute intrusions, Reverend Christina Zimmerman, a former SBTS grad and Lifeway editor who is an Associate Minister at Faith United Missionary Baptist Church in Nashville, TN, wrote a new article for the 2024 edition of the “Bible Studies for Life” curriculum.
We wouldn’t be surprised if next year they have one of the lady pastors from the since expelled Saddleback Church author part of the quarterly. After all, since they seemingly cannot find enough qualified men or women within their denomination who aren’t acting in disobedience to the scriptures, the next iteration can only be far worse.
Lifeway Christian Resources, once primarily known as the Southern Baptist Sunday School Board, has morphed into a controversial behemoth in the Christian publishing world. A purveyor of spiritual strychnine and peddler of outright heresy, their portfolio includes Heavenly Tourism, Omen Interpretation, New Age mysticism, Anti-Trinitarianism, Word-Faith Theology, and good old fashioned wretched theology, demonstrating Lifeway’s commitment to upholding doctrinal standards is primarily swayed by profit motives.
Lifeway’s progressive leanings aren’t exactly surprising. Just look at how Lifeway Employee Political Contributions Favor Democrats 4:1. Or their decision to omit Voddie Baucham’s anti CRT, best-selling Fault Lines book from their catalog. Or the controversy surrounding Lifeway’s Spring 2022 Curriculum.
Financial difficulties have plagued Lifeway since 2014, with a series of losses leading to the closure of 170 physical stores in 2017. A staggering $50 million was lost between 2014 and 2019, and the 2020 budget year saw a $45 million shortfall in revenue. In a desperate move, Lifeway sold its $100 million headquarters in 2021, after occupying it for less than 4 years.