Let’s Play a Game: Name that False Teacher Based on this Facebook Post
A well-known charismatic figure recently made the Facebook post, following a pattern of posting bible sounding words of the Lord that don’t mean anything. It’s all buzzwords. This individual is saying something, but at the same time isn’t saying anything at all. Instead, he/ she is stringing together a series of continuationists marxisms, which sound spiritual, but are really not. Unfortunately, this is seen as wisdom of the ages and therefore was repeatedly shared and commented on ‘amen’ and ‘yes Lord!’ and ‘100 fold harvest, I expect it and I receive it!’
“I have had a reoccurring open vision several times over the last several years of ripe seeds on the ground. In the vision these prophetic seeds would open, sprout and grow quickly as the latter rains came down from heaven. The Lord nudged me that these seeds were the “seeds of prophetic promise” and this was a time of accelerated prophetic fulfillment.
These seeds also represented the planting in our lives like the 30, 60 and 100 fold measurements and these ripe seeds represent The coming harvest in our lives and that has yet to fully produce.
Recently the Holy Spirit spoke to me again about receiving the 100 fold measure of harvest. It felt like a fresh prophetic promise of walking in a new 100 fold season in 2022. That this year would be a year of reaping our previous labors and seeds.
…The number 100 in the Bible means promise, specifically the promised son who came from one, Abraham, who was as good as dead. So, 100 also has the idea of life from death, or resurrection. When we receive Jesus, the word of God, in our hearts, we become sons of God, children of the promise. We go from life to death. We are resurrected. Are we ready for the latter rain (Fall harvest rain) to come and we see our unfulfilled visions, dreams and prophetic promises fulfilled? The bible makes reference to the latter and former rains in the book of Joel. The former rain is the rain that comes in the season of planting and the latter rain is the rain that comes for the harvesting. I know the Lord is speaking to me about a new season of reaping the 100 fold blessing, answered prayer on past and present seeds that have been sown. Are we ready to see the 100 fold? “
…The bible commands that for every seed that has been planted and down it will return to us. My question is what about all the unfulfilled seeds of promise, vision, labor and dreams. In these reoccurring visions I keep seeing a harvest of all things sown in your past season and a supernatural ingathering of all of of our past works we will see the 100 fold return in the barren places, as we pass from death to life. We must expect a new season and understand that will require a new identity. Many will embrace the new and finally let go of the old.
Feel free to guess in the comments who said it. Hint, he or she also likes to talk a lot about ‘soaking in the glory.’