Leaked Police Chat Show Members Laughing about Woman Trampled by Horses+ An Update on Her Injuries
We recently wrote about the elderly woman who was trampled by police horses at the Freedom Protest- a cruel and unthinkable act. At the time reports were that she had been taken to the hospital and possibly died, but thankfully that proved to be premature.
The woman has since been identified as Candice Sero. Despite Prime Minister Trudeau painting everyone at the protests as a bunch of racists and nazis, she is a full-blood Mohawk and lives on the Tyendinaga Mohawk reserve in Hastings County, Ontario, about 150 from the Capitol. She was treated in hospital for a broken clavicle and was released.
Instagram Post:
The police still insist that no one was injured at the event, despite the video to the contrary, making this a particularly vicious piece of propaganda.
While this is happening, Rebel News broke the story of a private WhatsApp conversation leaking, featuring the RCMP Musical Ride members. The Musical Ride Team is supposed to “support front-line police operations by building positive relationships” in the community. They are police officers who normally “perform intricate formations and drills set to music with their horses” but in the last week have been in the capitol assisting officers in clearing the freedom convoy. According to Rebel Media:
“In the chat, RCMP Musical Ride member, Andrew Nixon sends a picture of a pint of beer hoping for his chance to abuse protesters:
“Don’t kick all of them out until next weeks group gets our turn”
Member Robin Thibault remarks about accommodations police are being given in Ottawa:
“Nice Downtown in Chateau Laurier”
Nixon jokes about police brutality:
“Time for the protesters to hear our jackboots on the ground”
After being admonished for his remarks, Nixon mocks the protesters:
“okay we can give out free hugs and unicorn stickers”
A member named Marca laughs off the prior night trampling of two demonstrators, one of which had a mobility scooter.
“”just watched the horse video – that is awesome”
“we should practice that manoeuvre”
The RCMP has since put out a statement insisting that “This material is not representative of those who have committed themselves to serving Canadians with integrity and professionalism.”
While The Liberal government invoking the Emergency Act is crushing protesters in the capitol in Ottawa, other protests have sprung up elsewhere, such as our neighbors to the north in Alberta.
In the city of Calgary, about 200 miles from the Coutts/ Montana border, the freedom protests have been in full swing, as the province’s premier pledged to challenge the Federal government in court.
May freedom’s bell ring forth through that darkened land.
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