Lady Pastor Rebukes Congregation For Being Unhappy With Grinch-As-Prop + ‘Take a Chill Pill’
Aubrey Matthesius is a motivational speaker, “pastor” and Women’s Ministry Director at Dream City Church, a multisite megachurch in Arizona.
As part of their “Christmas at the Movies” sermon series, where they exegete Christmas movies and look for theological nuggets in them in lieu of a proper sermon, Matthesius gave a message based on the film The Grinch Who Stole Christmas, but not before taking shots at visitors and congregants who may have taken exception to their Grinch cosplayer running around on stage engaging in shenanigans, telling them they need to take a “chill pill” and need to “lighten up.”
Man, some of you are looking at us like we’re the worst people on the planet. You need to take a chill pill…. some of you are looking at us like we’re the worst people on the planet for showing that. You need to lighten up. That was funny. Okay? Don’t be a self-righteous parent-it works.
My kid’s birthday is next week and it’s Grinch-themed and I’m gonna have the Grinch come steal all of his first birthday presents. It’s gonna be hilarious and it’ll be a testament for the years to come to be a good boy or the Grinch is coming for him.”