Kyle J. Howard Doesn’t Feel Comfortable in White Churches Because (Checks Notes) The Services Start and End on Time
More racist poison
Weeks after Karen Swallow Prior suggested criticizing Kyle J. Howard is akin to human trafficking, and Julie Roys platformed him as an expert in racial trauma, our favorite race-baiter is up to it again. This time, he’s explaining that it’s stressful and ‘inconsiderate’ if white people show up at an event hosted by black, indigenous and people of color ‘on time’, and that he doesn’t feel comfortable in white churches because they adhere to “white time’ with its structure and notions of punctuality, rather than ‘black time.’
He prefaces it all by explaining that “unassimilated black people” have different ideas of time than white people do, and that white folk and ‘assimilated black folk’ need not only to stop assuming that their ‘white western paradigm for time’ is correct.
There’s a lot here.
He then explains how this applies to his relationship and view of ‘White churches.’
You’ll recall Howard currently has a $3500 *informational* bounty on his head for lying about being a gang-member. The ‘racial trauma counsellor’ has rapidly devolved over these last few years, becoming an avatar of one whose thinking is futile and whose foolish heart is darkened.