Jude 3 Project: Black Churches Need To Exist Because of ‘White Christian Terrorism’
(EWC News) The “Christian” media outlet, Jude 3 Project, has released a video on September 20, 2023 blaming the existence, and continued existence, of black churches on “white Christian terrorism.” The speaker, Dr. Willie Francois, then went on to say that the same bigotry that existed in the past in America is what is keeping the black church separate from other ethnicities. Here is the full quote from Francois:
Because the only reason why we have black churches are because white people want to put us in the balcony, they didn’t want to serve us communion, they didn’t want to baptize us in the same baptismal fount as their children, right? Black churches exist as a response to white Christian terrorism. Black churches exist, not because…. to continue reading reading click here.
This article was written by Jordan Smith and published at EWT News