Joel Osteen’s Sermon Last Week Was Pure Pablum and Poison
In his “sermon” last week, rank heretic Joel Osteen continued macrodosing his herd of goatlings with spiritual strychnine, insisting that God is determined to give you a double blessing of wealth and favor, but He can’t if you don’t keep a chipper attitude.
It’s familiar ground for reprobates Joel and Victoria Osteen, the impastor and impastorette duo who lead Lakewood Church, the 600,000-square-foot, 16,000-seat behemoth in the former Compaq Center. Blessed to have the devil himself literally dictating their sermons, Lakewood has ballooned to an annual budget of nearly $90,000,000, with 368 full-time and part-time staff spending nearly 1.7 million dollars each week on operation.
Titled “From Trouble to Double,” Osteen keeps on dragging his congregants into further damnation with his love for gospel-less, Christless, therapeutic moralistic deism shot through with promises of filthy lucre, telling congregants in part:
God wants to pay you back. He wants to give you beauty for those ashes, make the rest of your life so rewarding that you don’t think about who did you wrong. You don’t focus on the pains of the past, but you have to break out of that prison of defeat, bitternes, self-pity, and become a prisoner of hope.
…. Have a new perspective. That dysfunction qualified you for double. Don’t sit around negative. God has something big in your future. He’s going to make up for what you didn’t get. Not to just where you should have been if everything was normal and healthy, but because of that disadvantage, he’s going to do twice as much.
It was meant to set you back, but God is going to use it to set you up, to propel you to favor, to take you where you’ve never imagined. God wants to make you a trophy of his grace; not just bring you out, but cause you to bloom, to blossom, to see favor, great opportunities, great relationships. Now do your part and give him something to work with. Don’t have a disadvantage mentality- have a double mentality. That’s what allows God to show out in your life.