Jemar Tisby’s Approval of His Org’s Racist, Pro-Choice, ‘Trans women are women’ Leader Proves He’s a Wild-Eyed Christ-Hater
Two years ago, Jemar Tisby, the author of The Color Compromise and President of The Witness Inc. and The Witness Foundation, was wailing and gnashing his teeth into the internet ethers, insisting to anyone who might have the misfortune to stumble on his page that he wasn’t a liberal. This public rejoinder was precipitated by his belief that he was done dirty after Grove City College publicly distanced itself from him following a talk he gave about racism, which some felt leaned far too heavily on Critical Race Theory.
Then he praised and platformed a Universalist Anti-Christ pastrix, removing all doubt.
Over the years, however, one thing is made clear: Jemar Tisby has drifted. It’s not just his openly campaigning for Kamala Harris, his hatred for Christian Nationalism, or the bitter poison that drip drip drips from every post. Instead, for years, he has had one of the foulest, wokest, Christ-hating women heading up his organization as Vice President.
Ally Henny is the LGBTQ-affirming, openly pro-choice Vice President of Tisby’s Black Christian Collective Organization. We’ve written about her in the past after she advised black women not to enter interracial relationships with white people, said she’s concerned about the number of black ‘coons’ running for political office because white people are ‘weaponizing’ them, and recently criticized ‘women of pallor,’ ‘people of whiteness’ ‘palm colored folk’ (Hennyesque slurs for white women) for singing during a Beyoncé song, scolding them for ‘not being able to read a room.’
She also said that white children are racist after observing THIS normal playground behavior, that white people enjoy the viral ‘It’s Corn!’ video because they’re racist, and then accused a nine-year-old girl of engaging in problematic behavior” by wearing a “black hairstyle” and therefore being guilty of being white supremacy and “cultural appropriation.” She’s also claimed that gender normativity is rooted in transphobia.’ and in a recent post, declared that “trans women are women.”
Jemar Tisby owns this and owns her. Same goes for The Witness BCC President Tyler Burns, and the Witness Foundation Co Board member Dr. Christina Edmondson. Ally Henny hates Jesus and his word, and so long as Tisby has no problem with this, we regard him as a Christ-hating complicit enabler who is just as guilty.