James Merritt defends Gay Son’s Preaching by Attacking Trump Supporters
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(Capstone Report) James Merritt defends his gay son’s preaching by lashing out at Southern Baptists who supported Donald Trump.
James Merritt tweeted, “Sodomy is a sin. I disagree with anyone who says it’s not. But not all gays are practicing. I Also disagree with people Who think they’re courageous because they call out one sin But if a POTUS is guilty of sexual sin they keep their mouth shut. It’s called cowardly hypocrisy.” Here is the archive of the tweet.
One Twitter user summarized the post perfectly: “Am I mistaken, or did James Merritt really just say that you cannot criticize him promoting his gay sons preaching if you supported Trump?”
That is exactly what James Merritt said…
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Editor’s note. This article was written and published at the always excellent, must-follow Capstone Report