Jackie Hill Perry says Nowhere in the Bible is it Implied that God Wants People To Be Straight
In a recent segment from one of Preston Sprinkle’s promo videos
Jackie Hill Perry has a long history of some saying some Very Bad Things. When you look at her inflammatory track record over the last few years, from reveling in her love of an R-rated, filthy TV show, saying that all white people are racists, that white people only care about black folk in the womb, favorably quoting infamous racist Louis ‘jews are termites’ Farrakhan, suggesting that a lake of fire awaits white folk who preach against CRT, and renouncing ‘anti-prosperity gospel’ film while embracing woo-woo theology, it’s clear she she’s compromised in a big way.
In a recent segment from one of Preston Sprinkle’s promo videos for his course on Human Sexuality, Perry makes the astonishing claim:
“It can sound righteous to say ‘God wants you to be straight,’ but I’ve yet to read anything in the 66 books of the scriptures that implies that. God wants you for himself.”