Jack Fallon: County Commissioner Candidate in Poor Health-Not Fair to Himself or Taxpayers
“Despite the depth of Fallon’s experience on the ice, aging has slowed him down.“
April 12, 2022 0 15
Disclaimer: Let it be known that this article is based on public record and a former news article. The intent of this article is to reveal to the public the accurate, truthful, and heavy concerns about Jack Fallon’s health (for his own well-being) and which could, in return, greatly affect the taxpayers and himself due to overexertion.
Here are the facts. Jack Fallon is in very poor health. In fact, Fallon missed a good portion of the recent Flathead County Commissioner debate because he was quite tardy due to health tests he had at Logan Health. This is a possible strong indicator that this could likely be a pattern if he were to step into the position of County Commissioner.
The following Flathead Beacon article is quite telling. Fallon died on the ice, and his heart had to be jump-started back to life. Fallon fell unconscious due to cardiac arrest.
Here are portions of text taken from the Beacon concerning that eventful day–
“Fallon’s heart stopped during a hockey game.”
“Despite the depth of Fallon’s experience on the ice, aging has slowed him down.“
“His left hip replacement in 2014 was followed by a heart attack in 2015, requiring a stent, and in April 2018, he underwent surgery for a second hip replacement, this time on his right side.”
Fallon’s breathing slowed and degenerated into ragged wheezing, or what paramedics call “sonorous respirations,” before the labored breaths ceased altogether.
“It felt like five or eight minutes, but as soon as the ambulance arrived, he started breathing, and he became more flush with color. When EMS loaded him up, he was talking and awake and alert. He was alive again.” (Meaning he had, in fact, died).
“Three days later, Fallon underwent triple-bypass surgery, a successful operation that cleared a 95% blockage above his stent, as well as blockages of between 80% and 85% in five other areas.“
To find out more details of that day last December, click here.
To reiterate, Fallon has undergone a heart attack a stent insert surgery, heart surgery (triple bypass), and two hip replacements (surgeries).
The position and role of the County Commissioner are highly stressful. It requires a lot of mental energy and PHYSICAL energy to do it and do it well. It is a job where to be most effective, the person elected needs to travel to all ends of the county and be highly involved at all times.
It is not fair to Fallon to be in a position where he must be on the move to such an intense degree and focused on the needs of others when he obviously can’t even make it on time to a Commissioner’s Debate in a timely manner due to medical reasons.
The liberal left desperately wants Fallon to win (even though he claims to be a Republican) and will do anything to achieve what they want by spurring him on (and Fallon is falling for this nonsense). The people of Flathead County deserve better as the job is, after all, funded by the taxpayers’ money. And what happens if Fallon doesn’t survive if he were to get elected? There are far too many stress factors with him in the game.
The people deserve a servant-leader such as candidate Jason Parce who is young, energetic, focused, fast on his feet, quick thinking, and who will not be detoured due to excellent health.
We wish you well, Jack, but this isn’t the endeavor for you. The community deserves better.
Jack Fallon died on the ice that day in December.
(The article referenced was first published by the Flathead Beacon and written BY TRISTAN SCOTT).
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