Isaiah Saldivar Says Christians Should Undergo Exorcisms Every Few Months- As Often as You Change Your Car’s Oil
"So, yes, absolutely a Christian can have a demon"
Deliverance minister Isaiah Saldivar, who is quickly becoming one of the prominent and visible representations of the charismatic right on account of a rapidly growing social media presence, continues to teach weird and wonky things to justify his raison d’être.
He’s a 34-year-old revivalist and full-time social media influencer and content creator with 250k friends on Facebook, 642k subs on YouTube, 100k followers on Instagram, and another 350k followers on TikTok, where he has 3.5 million likes.
We’ve written about him previously after he claimed that a gospel presentation without signs and wonders is inadequate, that the Apostle Peter was demon-possessed, and on account of his bizarre belief that demons can still impregnate humans and make literal incubus and succubus.
In a recent post on YouTube, he reiterated his belief that Christians couple and their children can be inhabited by demons all the time, and so families should cast demons out of each other every few months.
Question: How can a Christian who has the Holy Spirit also have a demon?
Saldivar: Yeah, so this is a major question that we can probably go long on. We won’t take a lot of time on it, but I tell people all the time; ‘a Christian could have whatever they want’. Like they say a Christian can’t have a demon and I’m like, ‘what else can they not have? Are they not allowed to have a donut? Are they not allowed to have a coffee? Like, a Christian can have whatever they want. When you get saved, you don’t all the sudden get a license to live however you want and be protected. In fact, God never protects people in disobedience.
So, if you open a door, like, if I opened my front door right now, I don’t get to say, if a fly flies in, “you’re not allowed to fly in here.” Because the door’s open. A fly can come in, a wasp can come in, a rat can come in. If you leave the door open, stuff can come in whether you’re Christian or not.
So couple things we have to ask ourselves. Number one, is there any scripture that says a Christian can’t have a demon?… So is there a place in scripture here the Bible says a Christian can’t have a demon? And the answer is no, there’s nowhere in the Bible where it says a Christian can’t have a demon. In fact, the Bible would point to and allude to the fact that deliverance is actually for Christians, actually for the believer. And then let me also bring up another point.Deliverance would be pointless if Christians can’t have demons. And the reason why I say that is, if a Christian can’t have a demon, all we need to do is get the person saved and automatically all the demons will leave, making deliverance unnecessary.
….So, yes, absolutely a Christian can have a demon. ‘Well, how could the Holy Spirit and a demon live together?’ They don’t. The Holy Spirit lives in your spirit, you become alive in Christ, and your soul, which is your mind, will and emotion-Second Thessalonians talks about this- this is the place where demons live.The Bible also says nothing good lives in your flesh. So God does not live in the flesh, demons are able to also live in the flesh.
Salvidar then gives his thoughts on how often Christians should get delivered from demons by comparing the believer to a car getting an oil change, suggesting every few months.
Question: How often would you recommend to go in for a session?
Saldivar: I mean, I change my oil in my car every 3,000 miles so it’s no problem getting the oil changed every few months. I would go through deliverance every couple months. Every six months. It depends on how free you want to be. I mean, if you’re okay with….I would recommend every few months. And here’s the thing, once you learn how to do deliverance, once your husband or wife knows, your wife could deliver you.
…. So don’t be afraid to deliver your kids. Like, if you’re out here in the chap, you watch these videos, you get trained. You should be able to do deliverance on your kid. It’s like, it’s not that bad, it’s not that hard. So I would recommend, man, make sure that your wife, your spouse, your kids train them up, train them up. So in case you need deliverance in the middle of the night, you don’t have to go in the deliverance (unintelligible) . You can get delivered right there.
What a twisted and unbiblical teaching this fellow has. But then, that is the way with these charismatics and prosperity “preachers”.