Investigation Reveals Disturbing Link Between Vaccine Injury and Red States
Data from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) demonstrates that the overwhelming number of injuries, hospitalizations, and deaths following vaccination can be linked to a small percentage of vaccine lots distributed in the United States, and that these lots seem to be sent to more red states than blue.
Shockingly, one hundred percent of vaccine-linked deaths with identified lot numbers come from just five percent of distributed vaccine lots.
The shocking analysis of official VAERS data from British website The Exposé shows not only a positive correlation between COVID-19 vaccine injury and specific vaccine lots, it shows that, “the majority of the deadliest batches were clearly sent to Republican controlled red states across the USA.”
The study found that 96 percent of Pfizer vaccine lots had zero deaths reported related to their administration, while four percent of Pfizer lots (10 lots) were linked with 2,828 deaths:
A very similar pattern emerged with the Moderna product, with a mere 5 percent of lots linked to one hundred percent of reported deaths among those who were administered the Moderna shot:
The investigation found that reported deaths after vaccination are spread fairly evenly among Republican and Democrat controlled states (with California showing the highest number of post-vaccine deaths), but when the numbers are corrected for the vaccinated populations within each state (deaths/vaccinated), California actually has the lowest vaccine death rate, and 19 of the top 24 states in terms of vaccine death rate are Republican-controlled states.
Kentucky, according to the investigation, had a “1,900% worse vaccination / death rate than the Democrat controlled California, suggesting the Republican state received 20 times the amount of deadly batches of Covid-19 vaccine than the Democrat controlled state received.”
Montana is 35th on the list in terms of reported deaths following vaccination, but when corrected for number of people vaccinated Montana jumps up to 4th highest death totals.
The data raises alarming questions about the consistency of manufacturing among the novel vaccine products, as well as what could be causing the correlation between higher rates of injury and party control of a given state.
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