Idaho: Herd of Elk Caught in Frozen River-Families Rescue (slideshow)
BARSTOW, Wash – When game officials and state troopers did not respond, families in northeast Washington spent hours on Christmas Eve rescuing elk that had fallen through the ice into the Kettle River.
Rylee Stuart first heard about it from her husband the morning of Christmas Eve. He and his brother had gone hunting for coyotes when they saw something they’d never seen before.
“He was like, ‘there’s elk in the river,’” Stuart said.
About 40 elk from the Selkirk herd made it across the river safely. But, 12 fell through thin ice and were struggling to get out.
Stuart’s husband initially planned to go onto the ice, but instead opted for kayaks and rallied other friends to help.
Read the rest of the heartfelt story here.
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