Hundreds of Bibles Torched Outside Greg Locke’s Church in Arsonist Hate Crime
Early Easter morning, a man drove up with a trailer outside Global Vision Church and set a trailer full of Bibles on fire, in what lead pastor Greg Locke has described as a hate crime. Locke shared on Facebook:
Happy Resurrection Sunday. This morning at 6:00AM our security cameras caught a man dropping off a trailer in the middle of the intersection and blocking the road into our church. He then got out and set fire to an entire trailer full of Bibles right in front of our church. There was a lady that had driven through the night to get to our church and she was in the parking lot and was able to get the police officers here quickly, but it was quite the scene to wake up to on my first morning back from Israel. Had to block traffic in all directions but they are almost finished cleaning it up. It’s going to be a great day in the Lord. The enemy is already
Mt. Juliet Fire Department quickly doused the blaze, and Locke said in a video that the FBI was on the scene on account of it being a hate crime.
Locke, who has frequently claimed his church is being targeted by Warlocks and Witches since getting elbows deep in discernment ministry, addressed the incident in his Sunday sermon, exclaiming:
“It was 100 percent directed at (Global Vision Bible Church). It blocked the entrance to our campus and the fact that it was an entire load of Bibles is rather conclusive proof that is was most assuredly directed at us…It did not, nor will it stop us. It was cleaned up in time for people to drive into the parking lot. We had a full house and a marvelous service.”