Holy Post Eulogizes Gay-Affirming Minister Tony Campolo as Being ‘Orthodox as the day is long’
In a move that should surprise few, The Holy Post Podcast, run by woke Veggie Tales Creator Phil Vischer and Skye Jethani, hosted an episode eulogizing the late Tony Campolo.
Known as the Father of the Progressive Left, Tony Campolo passed away earlier this month at the age of 89. A popular teacher, speaker, and sociologist. He was perhaps best known for founding the left-wing organization ‘Red-Letter Christians’ Movement 2007, with the help of Shane Claiborne, who joined the boys on the show.
Red-Letter Christians was envisioned to be a counter-movement to the political influence of conservative Christianity, advancing social justice by focusing on the words of Jesus (the red letters) frequently at the exclusions or depreciation of other portions of the biblical text.
Yet by failing to see the entire bible as cohesive and God-breathed, all from the mouth of God, the organization quickly evolved into a liberal rag that eventually released articles supporting homosexuality while giving the wink wink nod nod to pro-choice argumentation. It’s gotten so bad that RLC board members revealed themselves to straight-up pagan polytheists, and no one seems to care.
WokePreacherTV explains:
Holy Post eulogizes “Red-Letter Christians” co-founder Tony Campolo as being “orthodox as the day is long” (Shane Claiborne) and not theologically “outside the fold” of evangelicalism (Skye Jethani).
Campolo endorsed same-sex marriage for professed Christians almost a decade ago.
This is now at least the third queer-affirming Bible teacher they’ve endorsed as church leaders in the past few years.
Previously, Co-hosts Jethani and Phil Vischer have insisted that they both “hold to a traditional biblical sexual ethic” but have refuse to answer followup questions about their stance on same-sex monogamous romance.