High Definition Healing! Controversial Pastor Raises Man From Dead On Camera….. Or Does He?
‘Prophet’ John Anosike is the President and Senior Pastor of New World Faith Ministries, a “multi-cultural, highly dynamic ministry with a membership of over 8000” in Cape Town, South Africa.
More particularly, he’s a prosperity-preaching heretic who routinely claims to raise people from the dead, commit miraculous healings like curing cancer and AIDS, and regrowing lost limbs. He routinely takes trips to heaven when he hangs out with Jesus and God, getting supernatural and direct revelation which he then returns to earth and shares, most which involve how his followers need to give him more money.
He describes himself as “The Last Trumpet” and the “custodian of a dimension” that he’s come to bring into the world so that “men can access the dimension.” He’s claimed for certainty that Jesus is not coming back in the next 100 years because the church is too sick, divided, and disorganized and has pledged to write a series of books that will personally “change the world and bring about the final revival preceding rapture, the great harvest!”
We wrote about him last after he waived his spirit-filled hands sent his congregants flying through the mid-air, shrieking like someone threw acid in their faces.
In a video published on his YouTube channel last year, Anosike showed the world one of his dead-raising miracles, with the first thing that should strike skeptics is how visibly the dead man is still breathing and how casual and cavalier the whole thing is. The blood is a nice touch, and the acting is better than normal- certainly better than we usually see from other hucksters– but heretics don’t raise people from the dead, despite how much Holy Ghost they claim to possess and impart.