HB61 is a Pro-Abortion Bill Designed to Fund Montana Planned Parenthood
After years of trying to defund Planned Parenthood nationwide, Republican efforts eventually sizzled due to the disinterest in stopping tax-dollars from becoming blood money by a slim minority of the Republican Party who just don’t care about the issue. President Donald J. Trump, however, found a work-around the do-nothing congress and defunded Planned Parenthood via executive order.
Planned Parenthood has been funded with public tax dollars since 1970 and dispensed via the Title X Family Planning Program. In August of 2019, Trump implemented what abortion proponents call the “Domestic Gag Rule.” This executive decision of the president forbade organizations receiving Title X funding from referring patients to abortion services. Considering abortion is 95% (that’s a precise figure) of what Planned Parenthood ever does (don’t let them tell you otherwise), the organization chose to walk away from tax money rather than to walk away from their homicidal trade.
However, what is done via executive order by the U.S. president can be undone via executive order by the next U.S. president. And Joe Biden has promised to revoke Trump’s “gag rule” and again fund abortion with taxpayer money (see below).
This should come as little surprise to conservatives, as Biden made the policy reversal a central talking point in his presidential campaign.
However, in 2015, the Montana legislature passed HB606, which provides a special appropriation for Title X abortion funding that made the bill subject each session to approval by the State House. The funding of Title X was, and remains, a fight in the abortion wars that doesn’t often make the front page of the newspaper. But nonetheless, these obscure caveats in how funds are dispersed are important in trying to stop – or promote – the murder of Montana’s most vulnerable people.
Custer’s bill will be heard today (or very soon) and it will remove the sunset clause from Montana Law and thereby pave a clear path for public abortion funding via Title X as soon as Joe Biden removes Trump’s “gag rule,” which he will likely do (according to him) on his first day of office.
House Bill 61 is a pro-abortion bill at its very heart (see below).
Essentially, the bill will make Montana policy reflect federal policy, which currently seems as though it will be controlled by the most pro-abortion president in American history (see below).
This bill serves one primary purpose, and that’s to provide “family planning” Title X funds to Montana Planned Parenthood as soon as Joe Biden reverses President Trump’s policy. Considering that its author has a voting record that is more Democrat than Republican, and previously voted to provide abortion funding through Medicaid Expansion Renewal in 2018, it is yet another blight on the Montana GOP and evidence that the party has been commandeered by Democrats who deceive the public by running on the Republican ticket.
We pray that Montana voters will contact their legislators and ask them to defeat this bill. It is a pro-abortion Trojan Horse resting at the doors of state government.