Fruit of Deconstruction! Lecrae Again Dismisses Need for Local Church Body
This is not surprising for the spiraling rapper,
Rapper Lecrae continues to manifest the wicked fruit of his deconstruction*, weighing in on his ‘No Church in a While’ album as he explains the reconstruction he’s gone through has resulted in a grossly unbiblical view of what church it, labeling what we understood the biblical, North American model of church to be a simply “traditionalist” take that Christians can take or leave, at their personal discretion.
This is not surprising for the spiraling rapper, who months ago specifically and overtly Claimed Hanging out on a Bus ‘Chopping it up’ is ‘Church’ and that his Album Release Party w/ Free Tattoos as his ‘Church’. These are things he explicitly said, so you know his ecclesiology did not come out of his deconstruction unscathed. Take a look at what he said, and see if you can spot the weasely words he’s employing.
Speaking to CBN News, he first explained:
“The church is biblical. We are the church as a body, but then there’s also structure put in place in order to have decency and order. So those are the things I want to respect. But I do think we have to be careful when we start blaming more cultural things, instituting those cultural mandates. And I think we have to fight against that traditionalism, especially in America, where if church doesn’t look like this, it’s not being done right.” Video HERE
And then on his own channel in a video about why he HAD to deconstruct his Christian faith:
“That’s right. I deconstructed. I just did not understand that even though the followers of Christ were doing all this crazy stuff that I couldn’t wrap my brain around, it didn’t mean that he endorsed it. And so I didn’t have to throw the whole baby out with the bathwater, but we’re so inundated with everything looking like the way it looks.
Especially in America, it’s like, well, of course, you know, ‘don’t forsake the fellowship of the assembly’. That verse really does not have anything to do with going to a building with lights and cameras and songs. If you want to do that, that’s great. But what that verse is really about- not forsaking the fellowship- is like not walking away from the faith, the group of people who held you down, growing with believers. Like, look at the context of the verse.
And so in America, oftentimes, where we fellowship with believers is in this institution that is on Sundays in a building, sometimes there’s coffee, and there’s childcare. That’s just kind of the way we’ve set it up. But that’s a description, not a prescription of what church is. Church is people. It’s the body, right? You got elders, you got deacons, you got leaders, and you got people who come together to grow.
And when you’re deconstructing, oftentimes, for me, it was me saying, ‘I don’t like the infrastructures that these people have built that care more about money, that care less about people or marginalized people or poor people. And so I don’t want anything to do with it.’And you started looking like, ‘well, where does it exist where it’s better?’ And oftentimes, you just don’t see it, because you don’t have access to it, you haven’t been exposed to it. But I’ve been very fortunate to travel the world and realize that there are broken people everywhere, but there are also institutions and infrastructures that do not look like what we have created here in America. (Ed. Note. Sunday morning church with worship, fellowship, elders, deacons, communion, church discipline, worship, etc)
It’s not to say that they’re better. It’s just to say that they have different issues and different struggles. And I began to realize that the struggles that we have are not necessary in other places, right? And so I was able to see the difference between the Christ of the Scriptures and the Christ that we have kind of propped up as like a politicized commercialized version, and I said, Oh, I don’t want to politicize commercialized stuff, but I do want Christ and I do want his church and I do want the fellowship and all of those particular things.
*Editor’s Note. For Fallin’-Away Lecrae, he has been on a decades-long spiral into becoming a biblically unsound promoter of progressivism. He says he “doesn’t endorse” abortion but HATES classism. A few months ago he put on a concert in order to Get Out The Early Vote on behalf of pro-choice Democratic Senate candidates Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff. He sputtered, “You know…well…um…er….ah….I don’t know,” when asked about the sin of homosexuality in an interview, and after Joe Biden won the election and was inaugurated that he said it “feels good to be on the right side of history” with the party that is “pro-life from womb to tomb. He also Wore a Shirt with Homage to Filthy, Filthy, FIIIIILTHY Song at Rap Concert and he recently Rebuked a Street Preacher for Preaching the Gospel at Rap Concert.