Forsyth MT: Team Manager Jonathan ‘Tell Star’ Suits up! Scores 4 for “Lodge Grass Indians” (heartfelt footage)
“Is this real?”
It was an extraordinary day when high school Senior Jonathan “Tell Star” was presented with a jersey to suit up and play on the Lodge Grass Varsity Basketball team, where he scored 4 points.
FORSYTH-“Damon Gros Ventre, Ty Moccasin, DC Stewart. Those are the familiar names for Lodge Grass Boys Basketball. On Thursday night, the spotlight belonged to Jonathan ‘Tell Star’ Falls Down, the team’s manager who suited up in the orange and black. Falls Down didn’t make the Indians roster this season, but that didn’t stop him from being “a part of the team.”
“First thing you said is coach, I didn’t make the team, but can I stick around and help you guys, clean, run the clock can I sweep the floor, all that shows the heart of what we want to build here,” head coach Josh Stewart said to Jonathan before the game. Lodge Grass took the opportunity in Forsyth to pay back Jonathan for his hard work all year long.”
“Is this real?”
Read the heartfelt story here.
Spencer Martin, SWX Montana Reporter, contributed to this article.
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