Former SBC Pastor & TGC Contributor Invites Lesbian Chicago Mayor Lightfoot to Preach in His Pulpit
And they used to be yelling all the time about "separation of church and state".
Charlie Dates is the new pastor of Salem Baptist Church of Chicago, a former/ (present?) ERLC and TGC contributor and former SBC Executive Committee panel member. He recently left the Southern Baptist Convention on account of their failure to embrace Critical Race Theory while claiming that current worship wongs are slave owner/ captor songs . He attacked other Black Christians as sell-outs for saying things like “I’m Christian before I’m Black”, said the SBC “don’t need Black Faces with White Theology/voices/ideas leading the convention”, and called Beth Moore “one of God’s leading women in the world.” (who preached at his church last year)
This was when he wasn’t describing the SBC as a bunch of racists that will never change, calling some black SBC pastors mere “tokens” or “assimilators,” and calling SBC seminaries “vestiges of racial animus.
Having replaced James Meeks as senior Pastor of the progressive Salem Barptist Church, shrugging off all pretense of his former conservative affiliations, Dates invited Prr-LBGTQ, Pro-choice Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot, who came with her lesbian “wife”, to come preach at his church.
Lightfoot is perhaps best known for her pledge to no longer grant interviews to white people and recently for having her campaign email Chicago Public School teachers suggesting that they ‘encourage their students to volunteer for her campaign in exchange for class credit.’
Dates warmly welcomes her as “Auntie” while the church gives her a standing ovation. She then proceeds to preach on Deuteronomy 31 and the transition of leadership from Moses to Joshua, calling Dates the “Joshua” to Meeks’ “Moses.”
Some of you may have some trepidation, some concerns about this transition (Dates becoming the new pastor) But I am here to tell you ‘fear not. fear not.’
Scripture provides us with a guide to navigate this moment. Now those of you who have your Bible (Applause] Pastor, did they really think I was going up here and talk to this congregation and not know my Bible? Those of you who have your Bible, turn with me to Deuteronomy chapter 31.
Tellingly, at the end of the address, Pastor Meeks (a Moody Bible Institute Trustee) embraces Lightfoot’s “wife” Amy Eshleman, who then leads his own wife off the stage arm-in-arm.
h/t Dissenter + Woke Preacher TV for the clip and the last line about Lightfoot’s “wife”.