Former top OnlyFans creator Nala Rey, a newbie Christian who recently made a series of blasphemous and heretical remarks about the Trinity on a podcast a couple of days ago, has come out and clarified to Protestia that she “100% believes in the Trinity” and that her comments were misconstrued.
During the the most recent Whatever podcast, Rey, who last appeared on the show when she was a pagan prostituting herself on OnlyFans, frequently clashed with guest Andrew Wilson, a professing Orthodox Christian whose conversational style frequently alternates between cursing, condescension, and belittling and who frequently took jabs at her throughout the evening.
It was during their multiple interactions that she confidently butchered the Trinity when the subject came up, at one point telling Wilson: “I’m not Trinitarian” while regurgitating Modalism and other heresies of whether Jesus was a person or “part” of God.
At the time, we noted that Rey’s arguments didn’t appear to stem out of a robust conviction or a well-rounded theological grasp of the Trinity, but rather, she was making errors because she simply didn’t understand it or was unable to articulate it well. We also said:
For the record, we’re not saying that her ignorance about this admittedly complex concept means she’s not a Christian. The sanctification process for new believers is frequently messy, and can take time, and has steps forward and back, so it’s not really surprising that someone who has been saved for 8 months would still be working a lot of this stuff out and be learning as the Holy Spirit leads them in all truth. This is why we are earnestly praying that she has a sound and solid church family around her and that she is being actively discipled, because it’s really, really hard for this sort of thing to play out in public. Better to mess up in the safety of a small group than in front of six million people.
As part of our editorial process, we reached out to Rey, who told us when we asked her if she could clarify her position:
“So let me be very clear. I 100% believe in the Trinity. I know that it’s God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit. Andrew completely took what I said and lied. They are three people in 1 and have 3 separate roles”
I watched the clip, and yes, it's obvious she is immature about the doctrine. BUT Andrew isn't wrong on some of the points, ie the trinity, he is trying to teach them , but they don't listen. His biggest error, is not being patient with those women, they need someone who can be strong and even harsh, but patient and kind too. You can take issue with his language in parts, but he's right in that she was only prostituting herself, literally early this year, learning doctrine from her is not a good idea. He gets all bent out o shape when she calls him out on his language, which I understand why, but using some strong language does not exclude you from faith and it is not equal to whoredom, even if it is sinful. Andrew shows a lack grace as well, but he is Eastern Orthodox, not Christian, so no shock there. - Still I don't see Andrew as misconstruing her, she said parts and that she does not believe the trinity, she outright said this. - I guess she doesn't believe it now, but I feel she is being dishonest and playing the victim here. I'd love to talk to Nala honestly. But both of them need tons of prayer.