First Transgendered Bishop (A ‘They’) Asked to Step Down by Leader of the Denomination
If you live by the wokeness, you die by the wokeness,
One year ago Rev. Megan Rohrer was over the moon. She just made history after being appointed to California’s Sierra Pacific Synod by the spiritually decrepit Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), who elected her to rule over them as Bishop continued, making her the first transgendered bishop to lead the mainline protestant denomination.
Prior to this, the denomination’s official position was gay and lesbian pastors could serve in the pastorate but had to take vows of celibacy.
Megan quickly rose through the queer ranks, becoming Pastor of a church in San Franciso in 2014, becoming a chaplain to the San Franciso Police department in 2017, and now elected Bishop of a damned denomination, populated by a vast herd of goats and a few clusters of remnant sheep.
This is the same Woke Pastrix that recently taught that Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were Transgender Slaves
But if you live by the wokeness, you die by the wokeness, as the head the ELCA The Rev. Elizabeth A. Eaton has asked for her resignation over an incident that happened within her synod, claiming that Rohrer’s act of firing Nelson Rabell-González’of the Misión Latina Luterana community on the Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe after he was accused of abusing a fellow ‘pastor’ through ‘misogyny, disrespect, and threatening comments‘ and ’embezzling monies from the California Immigrant Relief Fund’ to be racist, and to stop his anti-racism work.
In regards to the controversery, Eaten issued a statement on the denomiation’s official page:
While I am not inaugurating formal disciplinary processes at this time, there remain enough serious concerns that influence Bishop Rohrer’s ability to remain impactful in their role that I have asked Bishop Rohrer for their resignation, which I believe to be in the best interest of all parties involved.
…”I believe that Bishop Rohrer has lost the trust and confidence of many constituents, both within and without the Sierra Pacific Synod. I have asked Bishop Rohrer to attend their assembly, speak and listen to their constituents, and give this the prayerful consideration it deserves after which I will expect their response.
Eaten says as a result of Rohrer’s actions, she will be implementing several recommendations, including:
Plan ongoing anti-racism training for the churchwide staff and the Conference of Bishops, as well as all rostered ministers within this church.
Launch a similar program focused on cultural sensitivity training.
Promote the work of the churchwide organization related to racial justice, diversity and inclusion—including that of our Executive for People and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.
Rohrer for her part doesn’t seem keen on leaving and it is unclear whether she will comply, retweeting messages in support of her.