Feminist Professor Karen Swallow Prior Announces Departure from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
Prior has yet to announce her next institutional appointment, but we’re guessing either a column at Christianity Today, a teaching position at Biola, or a pastor at Saddleback Church.
Karen Swallow Prior, the controversial professor and author at the center of the scandalous leaking of Jennifer Buck’s rough draft dubbed Buckgate, has announced her departure from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, a move she described as a difference in “vision for carrying out the Great Commission” with the school.
Prior’s notability stemmed from her uncanny ability to fool conservative evangelicals that she was theologically solid despite an undeniable track record of liberalism:
KSP just told pro-lifers not to vote pro-life in 2020 in Christianity Today.
KSP said that “abortion is not murder” and “calling abortion murder” is mean to abortion doctors and it’s “unchristlike” in Christianity Today.
KSP worked with her gay BFF to support gay porn propaganda at college campuses called Fun Home.
KSP repeatedly attacks immigration law and promotes amnesty for illegal aliens.
KSP congratulated her “good friend” Rachel Held Evans when she was appointed to Obama’s faith advisory council.
KSP calls herself a feminist, and started an organization with the word ‘feminist’ IN ITS VERY TITLE.
KSP attacked Vice President Pence and Billy Graham for refusing to be alone with women who aren’t their wives on grounds it’s “sexist.”
KSP started a feminist organization full of female preachers and wildly unorthodox theologians to create more female preachers.
KSP flat-out said that she’s not a complementarian and attacks that position.
KSP was chosen by the Animal Liberation Front (according to them) to infiltrate evangelical institutions with “animal liberation theology” back in 2007.
KSP serves the rabidly liberal Human Society (which is more radical than PETA) and issued an animal rights declaration called Every Living Thing.
KSP advocates for the end to modern animal husbandry “even if humans suffer” and “even if the economy of the country be damned.”
KSP thinks pets go to Heaven because when you name them it gives them personhood.
KSP says that cruelty to animals makes her more upset than abortion.
KSP’s language was called gay-affirming by Dr. James White here. He agrees.
KSP endorsed the Revoice Conference both before and after it happened, and endorsed it again on Roys’ program just this week.
KSP endorsed accomodating ‘transgender’ people by changing bathroom facilities to appease them.
KSP chooses not to take a side in the gay marriage issue when she writes.
Prior has yet to announce her next institutional appointment, but we’re guessing either a column at Christianity Today, a teaching position at Biola, or a pastor at Saddleback Church.
Good riddance . She should never have been within 100 miles of any Christian 'anything' except to repent. She is dumb and ugly, and a heretical leftist. The fact the SBC would hire her tells me all I need to know about that outfit. Yuck.