Fearing Discovery, Depositions David Platt Appears Ready to Settle Lawsuit
What does David Platt and McLean Bible Church not want to come out
(Capstone Report) After repeated losses in Virginia court, David Platt and McLean Bible Church surrender in lawsuit against the church’s violation of its longtime voting process.
What does David Platt and McLean Bible Church not want to come out during discovery?
McLean Bible Church has set May 18, 2022, to vote on a settlement resolution that grants most if not all the requests made by dissident conservative members of the church in a lawsuit filed against David Platt, MBC elders and the church. The settlement resolution vote was scheduled after repeated losses in court brought David Platt and McLean Bible Church within weeks of depositions and discovery.
Plaintiffs were ready to depose (a legal process where potential witnesses are interviewed under oath) current and past church leaders and were ready to issue subpoenas for evidence in the discovery process. Without question the desire to avoid discovery and depositions spurred MBC toward this settlement offer.
The lawsuit was prompted last year… to continue reading, click here
Editor’s note. This article was written and published at the Capstone Report