Fauci Admits that “Vaccines” Have Not Worked, Yet We Should Take More and Give it to Our Kids
The pro-big Pharma narrative has been forced to shift...
As COVID-19 cases continue to rise precipitously in places with large majorities of the population being “fully vaccinated,” Dr. Anthony Fauci has been forced to admit what uninvested citizens have known for some time now: the “vaccines” are nothing of the sort – with effectiveness against infection and hospitalization waning mere months after injection.
Despite Fauci’s relentless encouragement that vaccines were the answer to ending the pandemic, he revealed on the New York Times’ podcast that experts are, “seeing a waning of immunity not only against infection but against hospitalization and to some extent death, which is starting to now involve all age groups. It isn’t just the elderly…” He added, “It’s waning to the point that you’re seeing more and more people getting breakthrough infections, and more and more of those people who are getting breakthrough infections are winding up in the hospital.”
The pro-big Pharma narrative has been forced to shift as the world is discovering the positive correlations between universally-vaccinated populations and surging COVID-19 severity. Israel, the gold standard for vaccination (and the world leader in administering so-called booster shots), suffered double the rate of cases as in the United States.
Now Fauci and the rest of the COVID-19 industry are scrambling for a believable answer as mass vaccination has done nothing to curb the spread of the Sars-COV2 virus, and increases in cases are indicating an inability of the vaccine to curb symptoms in the “vaccinated,” and once-rare cardiac and respiratory syndromes are being reported among the most healthy among us post-vaccine.
The experimental product is (predictably) not stopping the spread of the pathogen, and the jab has apparently left patients with an “immunity” that at best provides temporary personal protection and at worst clears a path for the most virulent variants of the virus to gain prominence.
Despite the media’s incessant false claim that the current wave of COVID-19 infections and hospitalizations (with their suspect epidemiological definitions) is a “pandemic of the unvaccinated,” so-called “breakthrough cases” are driving increases in symptomatic infection and increases in the severity of symptoms. “Breakthrough cases” has been the establishment’s nickname for people who received a full dose of a COVID-19 vaccine yet developed COVID-19 anyway. Prior to 2020, these cases would have been taken as evidence of vaccine failure. Now, they are seen as evidence of a need for additional doses of the same product that failed to protect people in the first place.
Fauci is continuing to act as a mouthpiece for institutional failure and pharmaceutical industry corruption that is now pushing the same failed experimental vaccines on children based on the same lies.
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