Fairground Kiddy Vaxx Clinic: HO Russell is “Elf”-Nurses go Rabid/Threaten to “Moon”
Dedicated Freedom Advocates who believe firmly in informed choice donned the front of the Fairgrounds
It was a wild and adventurous day at the Flathead County Fairgrounds on Wednesday, December 1st, where the ‘mass’ Vaccine Clinic took place injecting toxins into 5 to 11-year-olds. Multiple Freedom Advocates showed up to exercise their 1st Amendment rights and did a great job. However, as Health Officer Russell and his cohorts were handing out “candy” to unsuspecting children, the Patriots lamented their thoughts about that in front of the Fairground.
Dedicated Freedom Advocates who believe firmly in informed choice donned the front of the Fairgrounds in hopes that parents would educate themselves before imposing the toxic Pfizer Injection onto their young children. The injection contains a bizarre additional drug to counteract the ill effects of acidosis caused by possible cardiac arrest.
One particular gentleman pictured above felt compelled to stand for truth as three of his family members had been murdered as a result of the toxic Covid “Vaccines” one of whom lived in Bigfork. “He was healthy and sharp as a tack, but once he got the Covid “Vaccine” that was it; it killed him.”
Two Patriots were stationed inside the Fairgrounds, hoping to educate vehicles on their way to the toxic injections for children.
A couple of Child Health Advocates didn’t back down and peacefully and gently stood outside the “clinic” (not inhibiting movement, harassing, or blocking the public in any way) but rather quietly handing out fliers to all who wanted them in an attempt to warn unsuspecting parents about the harmfulness of these tragic injections, which can greatly mar or kill children.
These two educated Flathead residents, in particular, received much unconstitutional backlash from several present at the Fairground.
One was a retired Sherrif and had the following to share.
“The majority of opposition came from the Fair Director Mark Campbell. Because he made the false statement that “he could legally have us removed for trespassing,” the police (and probably a number of other people such as the City and/or County Attorney) had to get involved. If he had not made the false statement it would have prevented the ensuing drama. The Fair Director showed a clear disregard for the law and the Constitution and became irrational and childish when questioned about the issue. Due to the Fair Director’s false statement we were delayed in exercising our First Amendment rights, which was unacceptable.”
Regarding Sam Nunnally, (the new upcoming Fair Director) opposition also came from Kalispell City Councilman Nunnally who stated unconstitutionally, “Now this means if we let you in here to protest we will have to allow everyone in here from now on.” Once Nunnally was educated that it was unconstitutional for him to not allow those desiring to exercise their God-given 1st Amendment Rights to be present he backpedaled rapidly.
The nurses stationed outside the clinic acted in a disgusting and highly unprofessional manner. One in anger even reached out and touched a Child Health Advocate. A nurse with the word “Triage” on her back and front was crude, rude, and socially unacceptable and was attempting to “moon” us. (She also claimed she was the daughter of a Senator; a retired Democrat from Deerlodge).
She even yelled at a citizen, bellowing, “LIAR LIAR PANTS ON FIRE!”
Other nurses were screaming and yelling at the educators there (while they remained composed and calm). Hysterical nurses shrieked and shouted, “They aren’t from the health department! Don’t take their literature!” These rogue nurses went crazy, which then caused curious parents to want to read the literature even more.
Literature that contained basic facts and educational information about the Covid “Vaccines,” that is. (Even television commercials reveal harmful side effects from toxic pharmaceutical drugs). If the Flathead County Health Department won’t share the truth someone must. It’s our duty to warn people as conscientious citizens.
The Kalispell police officers (meaning those stationed at the clinic and driving in front of the Fairgrounds) did a great job. And even though they were clearly under pressure from corrupt political entities, they remained calm. Good for them; we were pleased with their conduct. As they passed by the Patriots stationed out front on the sidewalk, a sheriff and a police officer drove by with a positive “thumbs up” aimed towards Patriots who in return gave a wave of thanks.”
One child advocate shared,
“It also appeared that there were approximately 25 nurses/health attendants inside the clinic standing around, and as there were only about three children in there at a time, that seemed an awful waste of money. And on top of that, several children appeared to be younger than what was legal age. Hopefully, the educational fliers helped to deter parents from getting the second toxic injection for their innocent children.
They watched as “dinner” was being passed out by health workers in elf costumes consisting of bags of candy and juice packs and wondered, “Is it still Halloween? How is this called Public Health?”
The Daily Interlake once again greatly exaggerated the truth, stating hundreds came out (making you think hundreds were “vaccinated” when in fact, over the 7 hours allotted time period, approximately 150 children received the toxic injection.)
The DIL actually walked up to the group of Freedom Advocates in front of the Fairgrounds but had no interest in taking pictures or interviewing them but when asked by the citizens, “are you wanting an interview?” the Interlake just shrugged their shoulders. It seemed odd but then again the DIL doesn’t like to share the whole story especially when it doesn’t fit their liberal narrative.
These toxic injections are reminiscent of activities during the 1940s in Europe. We must stand up for those who are being led astray. “United in cause and purpose; to educate and bring hope to humanity” was the goal of the Flathead County group who, through consistent dedication, education, and hard work strive to serve the community.
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