Exclusive: Contemporaneous Text Messages from 2019 Support Gay-Affirming Charges Against Andy Stanley
Stanley’s true view makes sense, given the abhorrent and theologically bankrupt practices North Point Community Church is imposing on the next generation
On Sept 19, 2019, Andy Stanley, pastor of the 40,000-member megachurch North Point Community Church, participated in a private dinner with several pastors in Gilbert, Arizona. Stanley was in town for a conference and after it ended, local clergy joined him for a Q&A that was not live-streamed and was closed to the public.
There, Stanley spent the next hour and a half spouting deeply troubling and unbiblical views on homosexuality, shocking other people in the room. He suggested there’s room for gay marriage in the church, that he might officiate a gay wedding, and that we shouldn’t tell people they need to give up their homosexuality to follow and remain in Christ.
Stanley’s true view makes sense, given the abhorrent and theologically bankrupt practices North Point Community Church is imposing on the next generation, covered here Exclusive! Andy Stanley’s Children Ministry Overrun and Led by Pro-LBGTQ+ Activists and here Exclusive! North Point Church Leader Recommends All-LGBTQ+ Queer Counselling Collective For Struggling Gay Children
Two other pastors in attendance at the meeting quickly backed up these allegations from Visconti. Pastor Luke Simmons of Redemption Gateway Church in Mesa, and Pastor Brian Kruckenberg of New City Church in Phoenix confirmed it happened as described.
Protestia has recieved contemporaneous text messages from the same day and the day after the incident, supporting the allegations made. Pastor Visconti sent one message to a pastor friend and the other to a group chat of three pastors, after the event, who were shocked and distraught at the news. We’ve blurred out some details to protect the privacy of the recipients, such as the listing of several churches in attendance.
The second text brings us new information, recounting Andy as saying:
“a gay man who wants to be a Christian has 3 options 1) Celibacy with “no hope of romance or partnership.” (He makes that sound tragic as if romantic relationship is a basic human right). 2) Marry someone of opposite sex (he says that’s a bad idea and rarely lasts. 3) marry someone of same sex. (He said we should make room for those who choose option 3 in the church, and it’s better than promiscuity).
We have reached out to North Point Community Church for comment and will update this post accordingly.
Never forget: Stanley previously said that it doesn’t matter if the bible is true, so long as it’s ‘mostly reliable, and that the “foundation of our faith is not the whole bible. In 2018, he got shellacked from all sides for saying that Christians needed to unhitch themselves from the Old Testament and in a recent sermon, told Christians not to follow Jesus through the Old Testament, but only through the Gospels. A few weeks ago, he said there’s no ‘Clear Divine Standard’ of God revealed to mankind, and then documented him explaining that pastors should preach in a way that gives pagans permission not to believe.