Enough is Enough! Don’t Force “Adult Activities” onto Children (video included)
Yes, this really does need to be said
Let the record show that Montana Daily Gazette in no way is endorsing any type of “Drag Queen activity” (even for adults); however, it is honorable that this particular “Queen” at least has the common sense to tell it like it is when it comes to minor children and amoral behavior.
“Boy, does this drag queen have a story — and not an hour, either. Billy, who goes by the name Kitty Demure when performing and is a self-professed “conservative drag queen,” has a warning for the world:
Keep your kids away from drag events.
They’re akin to having, he says, “a stripper or a porn star influence your children.”
To be clear, the drag queen phenomenon is not healthy, either for those involved or a wider society that rubber-stamps it. This may be more obvious now to some with efforts made to indoctrinate children through “Drag Queen Story Hours,” events that are sometimes taxpayer-funded. And the characteristic brokenness of drag queens themselves as evidenced by their apparent zeal for inuring innocent children to their deviance.
Yet this is why it’s noteworthy that Bill, a member of the #WalkAway movement, has inveighed against this phenomenon. In accordance with repeated warnings he has issued about the sexualization of children via sexual devolutionary events, Bill re-posted last week a powerful video he cut about drag and kids. In a message for parents, he stated:
I have no idea why you want drag queens to read books to your children. I have no idea what in the h[**]l has a drag queen ever done to make you have so much respect for them and admire them so much, other than put on makeup and jump on the floor and ride around and do sexual things on stage. I have absolutely no idea why you would want that to influence your child.
Would you want a stripper or a porn star to influence your child?… A drag queen performs in a nightclub for adults; there is a lot of filth that goes on, a lot of sexual stuff that goes on, and backstage there’s a lot of nudity, sex, and drugs. Okay? So I don’t think that this is an avenue you would want your child to explore.”
You can read the rest of the story here. By Selwyn Duke for “The New American”
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