Eight Pro-LGBTQ Churches in Grand Rapids Announce Departure From CRC, Including Kristin Du Mez’s
At least eight churches in Grand Rapids, Michigan, home of the CRCNA (Christian Reformed Church in North America), have announced they are departing and disaffiliating from the denomination on account of its recent anti-LGBTQ stance, including Kristin Du Mez’s own congregation.
These churches include “Grace Church, Calvin Church, Church of the Servant, Boston Square, Eastern Avenue, First, Neland Avenue, and Oakdale CRCs, according to Fox17, who profiled one of the departing entities.
“Our intention was never to leave the CRC,” said Rebecca Jordan Heys, a pastor at Calvin Church in Grand Rapids. “Our longing was that a congregation like ours could hold that policy of full participation and still be a part of the denomination.”
Like Grace Church, Calvin has a policy of full participation, allowing Christian couples in same-sex relationships to be married, be baptized, serve in leadership positions and participate in all aspects of life in the church. It too plans to leave its denomination.
“I wish that this issue didn’t divide us,” Jordan Heys said. “And also that we saw it as more than an issue but as our beloved siblings and neighbors whom are called to love.”
It’s great that they are leaving, and many more are likely to follow suit. The CRCNA is a historically conservative denomination in the process of being eaten alive by famished and bad-faith progressives, and they are barely fighting back. Like a wildebeest that quietly lets lions tear chunks out of its hindquarters with half-hearted resistance, so too has the CRCNA been being attacked and put upon by LGBTQ-loving liberals, slowly being drained of the lifeblood of Christ.
This defeatism was most evident in 2022 when their flagship school, Calvin University, made a devil’s deal with gay-affirming staff and professors. The school’s board of trustees voted to allow pro-LGBTQ faulty members to dissent from having to uphold the denomination’s view of sexuality and purity and instead hold to their sodomy-loving convictions while still retaining their teaching jobs.
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Rather than clean house and force every last lib out of there, the cancer was invited to remain and metastasize, and it’s only a matter of time before stage 4 is at the door.
This abdication of duty from the university, and ironically impetus from these eight churches, came months after the denomination took a step in the right direction and voted during their annual synod to elevate their opposition to homosexuality into becoming part of their confession, their very declaration of faith, with the motion passing 131-45.
While this is a victory in one sense, it will be a loss in most others unless the church leaders put some teeth into it.
A third of the people voted against the entrenchment against homosexuality, and Calvin gets a free pass to douse itself with all the gasoline it wants and further its end of being the world’s largest dumpster fire.
Calvin remains the weathervane, no matter how many churches come or go.