Dr. Michael Brown’s Accuser Reveals Identity, Blasts Him For Lying about Sexual Misconduct
The previously unnamed woman who recently accused author, apologist, and The Line of Fire radio host Dr. Michael Brown of committing sexual misconduct with/against her 23-year years ago has revealed her identity, along with a renewed list of grievances against the storied charismatic leader.
Earlier this month, Brown was accused by ‘Erin,’ now revealed to be Sarah Erin Monk (hereby known as Sarah), of sexually inappropriate conduct that would frequently cross physical boundaries, including holding her hand, kissing her on the lips, and slapping her butt.
In response, Brown said he was “shocked and horrified by the mix of accusations, allegations, false statements, and mischaracterizations” that have been levied against him by numerous parties about these incidences, insisting that “My interaction with her, although totally non-sexual in every way, reflected a definite lack of judgment on my part…(they were) certainly foolish and irresponsible – but neither sexual nor amorous in any way.”
In a new statement posted to YouTube yesterday, (and posted in full below) Brown, who has been silent on the issues after engaging a third-party firm to investigate these claims against him, shared some thoughts about the situation, seeking to clarity his perspective on this.
He offers that “these incidents occurred in late 2001 and the very beginning of 2002 during a very difficult season of life and ministry” and confesses that while he’s never committed adultery, Sarah and her husband were close friends of his, and he developed and “emotional, not a physical tie” to her during these months.
Because of the weight of my conscience, I went and confessed everything to a close friend the first week of 2002. I then went to Nancy (Brown’s wife) and with agonizing repentance, confessed to her with a broken heart, asked her forgiveness. And she forgave me deeply and totally.
In January 2002, I was eager to share all this with my leadership team, as well as with our entire school and church community. But that was not my decision alone to make. And both offended spouses agreed that since we had not committed adultery, the matter would end there, sparing them further shame and dishonor. That’s the reason I’ve never discussed it with anyone else until recently. It was not to hide things. It was to honor my spouse whom I had hurt so deeply.
In the aftermath of this incident, he said he received “intensive counseling” and experienced “the holy discipline of the Lord.”
As to the veracity of her allegations, Brown says, “It’s not my purpose here to deny or confirm specific allegations. I’ll leave it to the investigation to uncover truth.” Instead, he desires to “take full ownership of my actions and the pain I caused.” (Editor’s note, which is a clear denial of at least some of them.)
I apologized to her and Nancy’s presence that same day, but it is clear now that I failed to understand the depth of what she was experiencing as a result of my actions. And I never dreamed that she would suffer the effects of that pain in subsequent years.
And so today, in the most public way possible, I want to speak directly to her. Please forgive me for my actions which caused you so much pain. Had I more clearly understood the result of those actions in 2002, I would have responded very differently. Again, from the heart, I ask you to forgive me. I am truly and deeply sorry.”
In a new statement posted to X, (and shared in full in the endnotes) Sarah takes aim at Browns’s statements so far, asking:
I keep thinking about why Michael Brown won’t just admit to what he has done or publicly repent and bring healing to SO many who have been hurt by his actions and words. Why is he hiding? Why such a vague statement? Why did he lie in his statement?
She accuses him:
I held this secret for two decades. I was ashamed and guilty, and I felt I was the one who should have stopped it long before anything more physical happened after HE held my hand in a car with three other students watching. That was the ONLY time we held hands PUBLICLY. There were many times when the hand-holding took place privately.
Yes, he lied about making a point about doing it publicly because I was like a daughter. I should have stopped it; I should have spoken out. I did not, so then the next physical touch was him touching my backside.
Yes, Dr. MICHAEL L. BROWN put his hand on my butt!! The one who condemned so many for a lustful eye, who screamed from the pulpit, REPENT OF YOUR SINFUL WAYS. The one who taught us to live holier than the day before. The one who preached REVOLUTION. The one who said being alone with the opposite sex was a sin and would get you kicked out of school. Yes, THAT Dr. Michael L. Brown was alone in HIS office with someone from the opposite sex touching MY butt as I would exit his office.
This didn’t happen just once, and NEVER happened publicly or in front of his wife, Nancy!! NOT ONCE. But it did happen privately.
She also notes:
Then the kiss, not just one kiss or two, but many! Once again, he had someone of the opposite sex in his office ALONE! As I told him goodbye, he sat in his chair and leaned up for a kiss. On the lips, not the head as he has told others. Yes, stupid me gave him one. I felt something was off when it happened. Why didn’t I stop it? I do not know.
Sarah also denies that Brown apologized to her in a meeting with his wife about his behavior towards her, quoting his previous statement. She says it was in regard to another matter where she alleges she found a note he wrote to ANOTHER woman professing his desire to have sexual relations with.
And so Nancy and I met with her immediately in the spirit of Matthew 18, I apologized to her from the heart, we talked things through together, after which, to our knowledge, everything was good between us.
Well, it NEVER happened. The idea that he apologized to me in this meeting is a complete fabrication. The only meeting the three of us had about any inappropriate behavior was when I found the ‘confession’ he wrote about another woman! I confronted him about this and that is when he asked me to meet with him and Nancy. It had nothing to do with his “foolish and irresponsible” behavior toward me but with his sensual relationship with another woman, who I assumed was groomed as well…
That is the only meeting ever to take place between us three!!!
She concludes:
He has lied, and I lied for him for two decades, protecting him and his ministry. For that, PLEASE FORGIVE ME. For allowing a physical relationship to happen, PLEASE FORGIVE ME. For not speaking up before I moved, PLEASE FORGIVE ME. PLEASE FORGIVE ME, for all my wrong and sinful ways in this situation. I truly want healing to come from this—not just for me, but for EVERYONE involved, all who have been hurt.
Dr. Michael Brown’s Accuser Reveals Identity, Blasts Him For Lying about Sexual Misconduct
I am ‘Erin’…
This may be lengthy, and I apologize from the start. I have been trying to process everything that is going on lately. I keep thinking about why Michael Brown won’t just admit to what he has done or publicly repent and bring healing to SO many who have been hurt by his actions and words. Why is he hiding? Why such a vague statement? Why did he lie in his statement?
I know they are lies because I am ‘Erin’.
My name back then was Sarah ERIN Monk. I held this secret for two decades. I was ashamed and guilty, and I felt I was the one who should have stopped it long before anything more physical happened after HE held my hand in a car with three other students watching. That was the ONLY time we held hands PUBLICLY. There were many times when the hand-holding took place privately. Yes, he lied about making a point about doing it publicly because I was like a daughter. I should have stopped it; I should have spoken out. I did not, so then the next physical touch was him touching my backside. Yes, Dr. MICHAEL L. BROWN put his hand on my butt!!
The one who condemned so many for a lustful eye, who screamed from the pulpit, REPENT OF YOUR SINFUL WAYS. The one who taught us to live holier than the day before. The one who preached REVOLUTION. The one who said being alone with the opposite sex was a sin and would get you kicked out of school. Yes, THAT Dr. Michael L. Brown was alone in HIS office with someone from the opposite sex touching MY butt as I would exit his office.
This didn’t happen just once, and NEVER happened publicly or in front of his wife, Nancy!! NOT ONCE. But it did happen privately. Still, I did nothing; I allowed it to happen. I kept the secret because I felt I had to because it was Michael Brown. Surely, he wouldn’t be doing anything against his preaching or the Lord, I thought. I was not okay with what was happening, but I didn’t stop it. I allowed it to happen. Many have told me that he groomed me and I was a victim. But still, I have felt guilty.
Then the kiss, not just one kiss or two, but many! Once again, he had someone of the opposite sex in his office ALONE! As I told him goodbye, he sat in his chair and leaned up for a kiss. On the lips, not the head as he has told others. Yes, stupid me gave him one. I felt something was off when it happened. Why didn’t I stop it? I do not know.
Once again, this NEVER happened in front of Nancy or the public eye. Everything happened in secret. Everything happened when no one could see (except the first-hand holding). So yes, he lied about merely having ‘poor judgment’ in public because they happened in private. Doing it in public seems like it was meant to pave the way for him to do it in private. He was testing the boundaries. I was too young to understand that.
The meeting he claimed happened between me, him and Nancy, … this one:
“And so Nancy and I met with her immediately in the spirit of Matthew 18, I apologized to her from the heart, we talked things through together, after which, to our knowledge, everything was good between us.”
Well, it NEVER happened. The idea that he apologized to me in this meeting is a complete fabrication. The only meeting the three of us had about any inappropriate behavior was when I found the ‘confession’ he wrote about another woman! I confronted him about this and that is when he asked me to meet with him and Nancy. It had nothing to do with his “foolish and irresponsible” behavior toward me but with his sensual relationship with another woman, who I assumed was groomed as well.
Note: what I read was written in his handwriting. There is no reason for me to believe that the things he attributed to the other woman were actually said by her. I believe that she was a victim.
That is the only meeting ever to take place between us three!!!
He has lied, and I lied for him for two decades, protecting him and his ministry. For that, PLEASE FORGIVE ME. For allowing a physical relationship to happen, PLEASE FORGIVE ME. For not speaking up before I moved, PLEASE FORGIVE ME. PLEASE FORGIVE ME, for all my wrong and sinful ways in this situation. I truly want healing to come from this—not just for me, but for EVERYONE involved, all who have been hurt.
Michael Brown wrote in his official statement:
“If it’s true that for 23 years she has carried this pain and I am responsible for it, I am beyond mortified and would plead forgiveness and the opportunity to bring healing and restoration. Her wellbeing remains our priority.”
If my well-being had been your priority 23 years ago, you would’ve never laid a hand on me. You were thinking about yourself. Instead of hiding behind your creative wordsmithing, simply tell the truth.
I am so thankful for Amber, Londa, Rachel, Katherine, Gregg, Kris, and Ron for standing by me through this. Without their support and guidance, I would not have said a word to The Roys Report. I learned to just ignore it, not think about it, and pretend it didn’t happen. It was easy to do back then because when I moved home, no one reached out to me, and I didn’t reach out to anyone. I wanted to forget everything from Pensacola. I did just that!
But there is a time for everything (Eccl. 3:1-8). Now is the time to speak out and help those who are hurting find the healing they need. I have read the heartbreaking stories that many of you posted (this was originally posted in a private Facebook group for graduates and former faculty of BRSM/FIRE, were many or sharing their own stories). I am genuinely sorry for all the hurt and shame you all have felt for years. No one should be hurt the way you all were by ANYONE, especially a nationally known spiritual leader, holiness preacher, and revivalist. Your compassionate responses to “Erin” have been life to me. Thank you.
Again, please FORGIVE me for my role in the situation and the lies I told to cover it up.
Dr. Michael Brown’s Accuser Reveals Identity, Blasts Him For Lying about Sexual Misconduct
(Transcribed by Protestia)
Thanks so much for taking time to watch this statement. Since a third party investigation can drag on for months, I’m gonna speak to you today with transparency about recent stories and allegations in the news. I would have done this days ago, but I’ve been out of the country with my grandson. I wanna be transparent, take full ownership of any wrongs done on my part, and as forgiveness for incidents that took place 23 years ago
These incidents occurred in late 2001 and the very beginning of 2002 during a very difficult season of life and ministry. I’ve lived for decades with the sobering reality that many people follow my teaching and look to my example. As Jesus taught in Luke 12: 48,’ everyone to whom much was given, of him, much will be required.’ I am accountable to a holy God for the ministry entrusted to me.
As a result of recent allegations, many are deeply confused and troubled. In the interest of full disclosure and in the sight of the God who knows all, I will speak to you as plainly and directly as I can.
Well, I have never committed adultery in all our years of marriage. In late 2001, the beginning of 2002, I developed an emotional, not a physical tie with another individual. She and her husband were very close friends of ours.
Because of the weight of my conscience, I went and confessed everything to a close friend the first week of 2002. I then went to Nancy and with agonizing repentance, confessed to her with a broken heart, asked her forgiveness. And she forgave me deeply and totally. Looking back today, as we approach 49 years of marriage, I remain amazed at the depth of her love.
At that time, In January 2002, I was eager to share all this with my leadership team, as well as with our entire school and church community. But that was not my decision alone to make. And both offended spouses agreed that since we had not committed adultery, the matter would end there, sparing them further shame and dishonor. That’s the reason I’ve never discussed it with anyone else until recently. It was not to hide things. It was to honor my spouse whom I had hurt so deeply.
In the months that followed in 2002, I made radical changes to my schedule and lifestyle, received intensive counseling, and experienced the holy discipline of the Lord. I am profoundly grateful that our Lord is a forgiving Lord, that He responds to deep heartfelt repentance, and that He does not discard and cast off His children because of their failings when they turn back to Him with all their heart. As Micah said, ‘who is a God like you who pardons sin and forgives the transgression of the remnant of His inheritance? You do not stay angry forever, but delight to show mercy.’
As to the incident with the individual referred to in the allegations as Erin, it is not my purpose here to deny or confirm specific allegations. I’ll leave it to the investigation to uncover truth. The fact is that an offense remains, and that is what I must address, taking full ownership of my actions and the pain I caused.
Jesus gave us a clear directive when it came to matters like this. ‘If you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother or sister has something against you. Leave your gift there in front of the altar, first go and be reconciled to them, then come and offer your gift.’
In the case at hand, Erin has something very serious against me, and it is imperative that I make this right to the best of my ability. Nancy and I understood the matter had been settled in August, 2002, when Erin expressed to me for the first time how her interaction months earlier had made her uncomfortable. I apologized to her in Nancy’s presence that same day, but it is clear now that I failed to understand the depth of what she was experiencing as a result of my actions.
And I never dreamed that she would suffer the effects of that pain in subsequent years. And so today, in the most public way possible, I want to speak directly to her. Please forgive me for my actions which caused you so much pain. Had I more clearly understood the result of those actions in 2002, I would have responded very differently. Again, from the heart, I ask you to forgive me. I am truly and deeply sorry.
Now, if I can speak to all those who were part of the Fire community at that time, to the rest of the leaders, virtually all of whom I’ve been able to speak with privately already, to our students and grads, to our church community, and to every Fire missionary on the field worldwide, please forgive me for my failings and poor judgment, and any mishandling of these situations during that time 23 years ago.
I fell short of the high standards that we set. I disappointed you and I hurt you. Please forgive me. You were the most important people in my life and I was committed to serving you at any cost. I literally shed tears of love for all of you and desperately desire to walk worthy of your honor and love as well, setting a godly example in every way. Again, I can only ask you to forgive me today.
To the larger body of Christ, I deeply regret my behavior from 23 years ago. To the extent that it has caused pain or been a distraction or caused you to question God, wonder who the real Dr. Brown is, I ask you as well to forgive me. I know I failed you during that period and will continue to work to regain your trust.
I truly believe that Peter, restored by God’s grace after denying the Lord three times and weeping bitterly, became a far better man through his experiences. If dredging up this painful time in my life, a time when I also wept bitterly for many days, deepens my humility and dependence on the Lord, then all the more do I embrace what he has called me to walk through today.
Regardless of the finding of the third party investigation, I do not minimize the wrongness of my past actions. And in the days ahead, I remain fully submitted to the Line of Fire board, as I’ve entrusted the process into their hands and have agreed to walk through it however they see fit.
May his healing grace flow to everyone who is hurting and may God’s life outshine the darkness.