Dr. Michael Brown Pulls Out of ‘American Gospel 3’ Film Because They Criticized His NAR Buddies and ‘Grave Soaking’
The makers of American Aospel: Christ Alone (2018) and American Gospel: Christ Crucified (2019) have announced that their upcoming third film American Gospel: Spirit & Fire (2023) will be delayed after heretic-promoter Dr. Michael Brown pulled out of the project. The self-culling comes after other participants criticized New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) ministries and grave soaking, according to an update from Film Director Brandon Kimber.
“My goal in this project has been to include charismatic voices that I disagree with, which has included Dr. Michael Brown. During the episode review process, Dr. Brown has decided to withdraw his participation in this project, meaning I am no longer able to use the 10+ hours of footage that we shot together.”
Brown, who never met a crazy-as-a-rat-in-a-coffee-can Charismatic that he didn’t praise or endorse as a wonderful teacher who loves Jesus, didn’t like two episodes that focused on topics of “true and false conversion, regeneration, the nature of true repentance, adoption & identity, the wrath of God, the nature of man, and evangelism through the lens of the “encounter gospel” (which includes discerning true and false miracles, faith healing manipulation tactics, etc.)” because people in these episodes categorized ministries that Dr. Brown was involved with as “NAR,” which he found intolerable and offensive.
Brown was also upset that one episode was taking a critical view of the Bethel/ Pentecostal phenomena of ‘grave soaking,’ which is when someone lays on top of the grave of a famous dead charismatic and “sucks” the “mantle” and “anointing” out of them. During a recent Line of Fire episode, Brown dismisses it as some fringe belief, then insists “It’s not that markedly different from what Steve Lawson did— putting on the D. Martin Lloyd-Jones pulpit outfit, putting his hand on the pulpit bible that he used, and saying maybe some of it will rub off on me.” (The difference is Lawson is clearly joking ,while these folks are not)
Kimber explains:
I offered Michael the opportunity to include his objections to the points that he disagreed with, but he declined to do so. I also offered to allow him to add a video disclaimer to the beginning of the episode, where he would warn of the “false” statement” or the divisive and destructive nature of the episode(s), but after speaking with his colleagues, he ultimately decided to remove himself from the project.
Kimber granted Brown the ability to pull his participation in the film for nearly any reason, and Brown, who is usually so boisterous about his desire to challenge cessationists, took advantage of that, saying that he decided that “AG3 is Strange Fire 2.0 on steroids and is anything but “honest and “balanced,” even though he knew full well the film would be featuring people who disagreed with him.
Keep this in mind next time Brown issues his obnoxious and annoying challenges to any of the Strange Fire folk. He had his opportunity, and instead decided to take his ball and go home.