Denhollander Has HUGE Conflicts of Interest in Relationship with SBC Abuse Hotline
Is the SBC paying a lawyer to direct people to sue the SBC?
Is the SBC paying a lawyer to direct people to sue the SBC?
Direct messages reveal Rachel Denhollander’s conflict of interests and that raises serious ethical questions for lawyers.
Abuse advocates and survivors realize the SBC’s Abuse hotline ‘simply cannot be trusted.’
(Capstone Report) The Southern Baptist Convention is directing abuse reporters through its Abuse Hotline to an abuse advocate and lawyer Rachael Denhollander. Unfortunately, new revelations reveal not only Denhollander’s conflict of interest but also, she is secretly directing abuse survivors to lawyers who could file lawsuits against the SBC and directing the abuse survivors to friendly members of the press—in what is clearly a pressure campaign against the SBC. So, it would appear the Southern Baptist Convention is funding a system where abuse victims are routed to a lawyer who advises alleged abuse victims on tactics to maximize financial and reputational harm to the SBC.
Abuse survivor and appellate lawyer Christa Brown made the stunning revelations in a new column posted by Baptist News Global and then revealed supporting documentation on Twitter. According to the documents posted on Twitter,
Brown said, “Since my truthfulness has been publicly questioned, here’s 1 text from Denhollander: ‘I am the advocate they will refer survivors to so I can help them evaluate press & legal options…’ There’s more. I gave documentation to @baptist_news before they published. Common practice… Context? Here’s another excerpt from a Denhollander text: “GP gave her my info…I just can’t publicly say that I’m helping survivors potentially sue…” That is apparently one reason why this info about Denhollander’s role with the hotline has not been widely disseminated.”
Here are the direct messages of interest Brown posted. Pay special attention to the last lines where Denhollander tells Brown that “I just can’t public say that I’m helping survivors potentially sue.”
The SBC is funding the hotline. The only question—is the SBC paying Denhollander?
If so, that raises all sorts of legal questions. Of course, even if not that raises serious questions. Plus, there were already questions with the Sex Abuse Task Force decided to “retain” Denhollander—after all Denhollander represented a client who threated a lawsuit against the SBC and settled that case for over a million dollars thanks to Ronnie..
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Editor’s Note. This article was written and published by the Capstone Report. Title changed by Protestia.