David Platt’s Church Teaches Jesus Can Relate to Trans Folk Because Christ also Had Body ‘Dysphoria’
If this isn’t the fruit of the Living Out/ Revoice movement, we don’t know what is.
If this isn’t the fruit of the Living Out/ Revoice movement, we don’t know what is.
Eric Saunders, the Campus Pastor at McLean Bible Church in Arlingnton, answered a question on their YouTube page “How do I love my Neighbor?”
What’s going on? My name is Eric Saunders and I’m a pastor here at McLean Bible. And my question today is this: how do I love my transgender neighbor?
See, Jesus is the ultimate hope. And in Jesus, our transgender neighbors find a friend closer than anyone else. You see, we have a God who has not left us alone, we have a savior, Jesus, who has experienced the ultimate feeling of not belonging in his body.
1 Peter 2:24 says this about Jesus. It says He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By his wounds, you have been healed.
I want you to think about this. Jesus, the sinless and Holy Son of God, perfect in all of his ways, He bore our sins in his body. And in doing this- listen- Jesus experienced something completely foreign to his understanding of who he is. What did he experienced? The Holy Son of God experience sin in that moment.
You could say in that moment, that he experienced a kind of ‘dysphoria’. He did that for what? For us.
h/t Reformation Charlotte for the Video