The state’s fool David French has once again changed his view on same-sex marriage, now supporting it as a social good because he doesn’t want gay people to experience the trauma of ever losing their right to it.
French, a self-proclaimed “conservative” Christian commentator who could be called a conservative in the same sense that Arius of Alexandria is called a “Church Father’ would be unknown in evangelical circles if Albert Mohler and Russell Moore hadn’t platformed and promoted him over the last decade. He writes:
And that brings me to another topic—my flip, flop, and flip back again on civil marriage. I emphasize the word civil because my view on the religious nature of marriage has not changed. It is a lifelong covenant between a man and a woman, sealed before God, and breakable only on the limited conditions God has outlined in his Word.
But declaring that religious belief is not the same thing as declaring civil law. Outside of the most hard-core integralists or dominionists, there is broad and wise consensus that importing divine standards whole cloth into civil law can be a recipe for division, oppression, and ultimate harm to the church itself. Our nation possesses an Establishment Clause for a reason.
“Millions of Americans have formed families and live their lives in deep reliance on Obergefell being good law. It would be profoundly disruptive and unjust to rip out the legal superstructure around which they’ve ordered their lives.”
So here I am in 2022 trying to square the same circle that I was trying to square in 2004 and in 2015. I want Americans of different faiths and no faith at all to be able to live together, work together, form families, and live with peace, security, and dignity. I don’t want my gay friends and neighbors to live in fear that the law might tear their families apart.
Denny Burke comments: “David French comes out in favor of civil gay marriage in order to protect gay marriages from Obergefell being overturned. He argues that gay marriage is a sin but should still be the law of the land.”
Megan Basham concludes what’s really going on in a insightful, succinct way.