The Chosen Director Dallas Jenkins has defended a plot twist in season four of his hit Jesus show, featuring the Savior choosing not to heal the Apostle Thomas’s fiancee after a Roman official straight up murders her in front of them. According to Crosswalk Headlines:
The plot twist occurs at the end of Season 4, Episode 3, when a Roman official, Quintus, grows irate at his inability to capture Jesus in a large crowd and begins swinging a sword. In his anger, Quintus stabs Ramah, the fiancee of the apostle Thomas in the series. Quintus then flees the scene.
With Ramah lying on the ground, bleeding and dying, she urges Thomas to “stay with” Jesus. Thomas then pleads with Jesus to raise her back to life. A tearful Jesus expresses remorse but responds, “It is not her time. I love you, Thomas. He loves you. I’m so sorry.” Moments later, the credits appear on the screen.
We hesitate to think how many people will believe this story is somewhere in the scriptures. Thomas and Ramah’s relationship was frequently featured in The Chosen, and it will almost certainly play a crucial role in why Thomas is given the moniker “Doubting Thomas” following Jesus’ resurrection.
Responding to criticism and comments in his post-episode livestream, Jenkins offered:
“This was not something that we just did to be interesting or to be shocking. This is something that we have thought about and planned since season 1, actually — since we were first coming up with all seven seasons of the show. What you just saw is not something that took place in Scripture … but the truth, the spiritual truth of what we portrayed just now, is extremely important.”
This is what happens in dispensational reasoning, I think. Latitude is given, just like in his father's books, to extra-biblical story telling. This saddens me. Pelagianism, arminianism, ecumenism, etc, all designed by the authorities of this world to confuse he gospel & subvert unit in the Church - with Christ and among the brethren. Avoid this show as hopefully you dismissed his fathers books. Pray with love the damage will be minimal from this entertainment source and that hearts will be softened to the truth with the staff , viewers & unsaved in this show. Heartbreaking but our Lord is greater than Satans deceptions.
So, a false Biblical message.
We are warned about this, but it seems the makers of The Chosen and those who worship in the lies do not care.
I mean come on, if they can create a fake savior who quotes the book of Mormon, they are willing to do anything.
(And there are "Christians" are afraid of "AI" changing the Bible, but they watch this re-writing of the Bible over and over.)