Courtenay Sprunger (HD7) Deceptive RINO-Poses as “Conservative Republican”
ATTENTION: Flathead folks do not be deceived.
ATTENTION: Flathead folks do not be deceived. We’re in the season of deception, (it’s RINO SEASON) and it’s widespread, and Sprunger is one of several at the helm.
Sprunger, who is running for House District 7, is anything but conservative (although she’d like you to believe she is). Below you can see where Sprunger is ‘nestled’ next to another RINO (ok, he’s really a Democrat-Jack Fallon) and a true blue Democrat-Kyle Waterman.
Courtenay Sprunger was on the Board of Directors of the Kalispell Chamber of Commerce. Now those people are liberals. They tout BLM and other crazy notions and are not even close to conservatives and she brags about being the ‘Board Chair’ on her voter mailer. Well, that’s not good.
Sprunger is secretive.
Neither she nor former HD (chair filler) Frank Garner (who Sprunger assumes she will replace) nor her mother will even share what she does or where she works in editorials. If her company was so “Honored” as Kalispell’s 2019 “Best Places to Work,” why is she embarrassed to share it? The public wants to know these things, and they shouldn’t have to go digging.
Also, Sprunger is highly deceptive and sneaky.
This is a flat-out lie. A maximum donation of $800 is NOT allowed during the primary election. When a resident called Sprunger on the phone to verify she stated, “Oh that will be split up into two accounts, one for the primary and one for the general election.”
Wait a minute. Come again, what was that? First, you state on your voter mailer that $800 is allowed during the primary election (false) then you have the audacity to state that this is to be split into two accounts and $400 will go into the general election? That is not only SNEAKY but UNETHICAL in horrible TASTE and PRESUMPTUOUS!
Folks what she’s really saying here is that she’s so certain she’s going to win that you may as well give NOW to her general election fund. I don’t know about you but I don’t want some cocky, presumptuous, liberal posing as a Conservative Republican to represent me in House District 7 or anyone else I know and care about.
Make wise choices. Vote for honest candidates who are transparent, humble, skilled, and don’t sneak around.
“Republican Conservative.” Hogwash.
A much superior candidate is Dr. Dave Ingram for House District 7. To read about Dr. Dave’s transparent and honest campaign, click here.
Warn your unsuspecting friends. Courtenay Sprunger is not to be trusted and she’s not good for Kalispell and certainly not for Montana.
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Who wrote this? Whoever you are you’re the liar. I’ve known her entire family since she was a small child and they are staunchly conservative. Her employment is not a mystery. Google it, easy to find her LinkedIn profile. As a conservative I highly support her and glad she won.