Church Of England’s New Plan to Deal with Empty Church Buildings is Delusional
In a great act of senility and delusion, the Church of England has suggested a new and novel way to deal with its plummeting attendance and swift slide into irrelevancy; leasing out its underused churches rather than selling them off, with the hope of resuming control of them once attendance picks up and their numbers start to grow again.
It’s a fair strategy for retaining current properties. As reported by The Telegraph, the plan, which is under consideration by the General Synod (the CofE’s legislative body), involves renting these churches to local authorities, other Christian denominations, or other institutions through shared ownership deals. This new proposition is a strategic shift from the current approach of merging sparsely attended churches with larger parishes and then selling the vacated buildings, which many congregants have been critical of. According to reports, nearly 450 churches have closed in the last 25 years.
While this plan may be successful in retaining denominational assets, anyone who thinks that allowing the properties to “lie fallow” until a future revival would necessitate their repossession is an insane person.
The Church of England, whose church attendance has dropped 25% in the last ten years and who earlier this year affirmed a historic proposal to allow clergy to offer prayers of thanksgiving for same sex-couples and bless same-sex civil marriages in the church, is never going to have a revival so long as they continue their blasphemous and scurrilous attacks on the word of God.
Over the last 30 years, their trajectory has been a sustained and shameless repudiation of the scriptures and the Lord himself, salting the earth under their feet while praying for seeds to grow. Rather than repudiate their progressive proclivities, they have leaned into them, aping the strategies of American mainline denominations who have likewise been seeing catastrophic losses that have dragged hundreds of thousands into hell.
Unless the Church of England undergoes a mass overhauling of theology and leadership from every corner of the denomination, they will not grow, but only shrink further, and any hope or belief to the contrary of reopening these churches under their own name is a mad and pathetic dream.